How to Earn More While Working in IT or Tech?

Combine your technical knowledge with great communication skills for the best results

Jakub Jančík


Working in IT or tech is sometimes a bit troubling. Especially if you have on-call duties and are responsible for keeping something up and running. That is a lot of stress.

Sysadmins get called any time of the day. Or night. They cannot even enjoy their vacations since someone might call them, or when they realize that their work is just piling up while they are not there.

Environments such as these are not good for your mental health, but there is a solution to this problem.

Shortage of skilled tech people is your advantage. Use it.

Sooner or later, you will find that, generally speaking, the best-paying employers are vendors. They also offer the best work conditions.

If you have the industry knowledge, they can and, in most cases, will compensate for that.

Photo courtesy of the author.

And what is even better? In the right tech position, you have nearly no stress, and you need only one extra skill apart from your tech knowledge.

You need to know how to listen properly and voice your thoughts in a way that is easy to follow for others. You…



Jakub Jančík

Father, husband, and lifelong learner sharing bits and pieces he gathered throughout his life.