How To Get Energy For Work?

Give your day a chance to be better than the last

Jakub Jirak


We all know it. We come home, and the energy stays at work. We feel tired. What about biohacking? How do you get energy for work and boost your reserves to last until late into the evening? In this article, I want to share some simple tips to help you get energized.

Photo by Dex Ezekiel on Unsplash

Why start the day with exercise?

Morning rituals have great power. The first hour after waking up is the “baby of the day”. It determines how great our day can be. So what should I do after waking up, you ask? In a nutshell, for the first 30 minutes after waking up, don’t look at your phone or any other screen; instead, work out. Five Tibetans, yoga, or a neuro-workout from a cold therapy class. It’s up to you what you choose.

Biohacking is a return to nature. The body was made to move, and movement is the best choice as a start to the day. A cold shower can significantly boost whole-body oxygenation, blood and lymph flow, energy, and endorphins. Feel free to take an icy shower with your hands and feet if you’re not already doing a full-body shower. But beware!

Don’t just use lukewarm water. Use the coldest water you can get from the tap. Moreover, morning ice water will speed up your metabolism, so you burn more fat! It will also help you activate more receptors for endorphins, thus bringing a feeling of happiness and resistance to the discomfort that will protect you throughout the day.

Think developmentally, not fixed

Give your new day a chance to be better than the previous one. Take the fact that something went wrong as an opportunity to do better next time. No state is fixed — moods will change, as will the development of a project. It’s up to you to allow yourself to transform into your best version.

This will get you excited about new possibilities and thus energized for the work. Ask yourself the fundamental growth mindset question, “how can I do even routine activities better today than yesterday?” With this approach, you cultivate an inner joy in ordinary things.

How do you get the energy to work because of that joy? It will come on its own. It’s biohacking in a good mood. Maybe this approach will get you into a familiar state of flow.

Improve your breathing

Unfortunately, the traditional advice to “take a deep breath” when you need more energy or even want to calm down misses the mark. The opposite is true. Energy not just for work is conserved and encouraged by gentle breathing that flows only through the nose. Yes, through the nose.

Limit the passage of air through the mouth. The sighs and the mouth breaths (we often do when we speak) rob you of energy and subtly stress your nervous system. Concentrate on using its primary channel — the nose — to breathe during the day.

Three times a week, physical activity

Treat yourself to three times a week of vigorous physical activity — cycling, running, and fitness classes. This will deliver more oxygen to your cells and encourage blood flow, especially lymph, which is crucial for your immune system and cannot get moving except by moving around your body.

The movement will even improve the formation of brain connections (synapses )! Not to mention the endorphins. Exercise is one of the best ways to get energy. Few things will make you as happy and healthy as vigorous physical activity.

A cold shower at the end of the day

Exposing yourself to cool conditions in the evening improves the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. You don’t have to take a pill — your body can make it on its own! Our body needs a cooler-than-normal temperature for quality rest.

This is proven by the fact that the sleep hormone melatonin lowers body temperature. A cold shower 45–90 minutes before sleep is a quick biohacking for quality rest and, thus, enough energy for the next day!

Whether you go to work or work from home, use these tips to be the “best version of yourself” daily.

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Jakub Jirak

Principal Software Engineer & Content creator | Writing about Technology, Apple, and Innovations. | Proud editor of Mac O'Clock.