Companies hire from these 7 coding websites

RishavSen Choudhury
Published in
5 min readJun 15, 2018

“You can code, good, but can you compete in coding?”

The major companies usually hire from top coding platforms and there are necessary reasons for them to experiment with it. The planning, workforce, time and money which goes into recruiting is cut to half by the competitive coding platforms. Here, I have compiled a list of all the coding platforms from which companies usually hire(directly or indirectly).

Photo Credits: hackerrank

HackerRank: It boasts of about 2 million developers solving code challenges comprising four sections of Practice, Compete, Job and Leader board.

In Practice, you can solve various problems as per the difficulty level assigned, language proficiency and specialized skill. Also, there are tutorials related to coding interviews.

In Compete, you can sign up for contests or can create your own.

In Job section, you can look for various job openings in your preferred area.

In Leaderboard, you can look up to some hardcore programmers on this website on the basis of various contests.

Major Companies that hire from HackerRank: Over 1k companies like CapitalOne, Twitter, Adobe Systems, Dropbox, TransferWise, The Washington Post, Two Sigma, Freshdesk, Thumbtack,, WePay, VMware, Red Hat.

Photo Credits: Skillenza

Skillenza: One of the fastest upcoming competitive programming website which is a complete package for the programmers who are seeking a job. The interface is quite friendly, and you can easily connect with your social signing. Also, Skillenza organized hackathons like Rajasthan 3.0 which act as a platform for companies to hire programmers. You can visit my answer to keep a tab on major hackathons competitions in India.

In activities section, you’ll find a plethora of coding competitions from which companies hire directly.

In communities section, you can join or create various groups in which members can discuss on various topics. Also, you can follow the works of various people those who have already worked on the platform. Everyone needs a mentor, don’t they?

Major Companies that hire from Skillenza’s competitions are: Amazon, BOSCH, Swiggy, Careem, Amazon Web Services Cloud(AWS), Capillary.

Photo Credits: Topcoder

TopCoder: It is one of the biggest competitive programming online platforms in which users compete against each other by completing projects put up by TopCoder or by the companies itself. When you open the website, they give you options like app, website, chatbot, design, software development and to test as well as fix bugs.

Naturally, this website is not for beginners but once you have developed a grip on programming, it will be easier for you to adapt to the environment.

Companies which hire from Topcoder are: Google, Yahoo, Nvidia, Brooks Automation, Microsoft, Paypal, Verizon, Citigroup, J.P. Morgan, Cryptic Studios.

Photo Credits: Codechef

Code Chef: A DirectI initiated non-profit coding platform which was started in 2009. In 2010, DirectI along with Codechef started the ‘Go For Gold’ contest to strengthen the Indian Teams who participate in world finals of ACM-ICPC. The interface is user-friendly and consists of options like Practice, Compete and Discuss.

The Practice section consists of problems categorized as per their difficulty level.

The Compete section consists of various challenges in which users can participate as per their rating.

On Discussion board, users usually post the problems which they encounter during practice or competition.

Photo Credits: Codewars

Code Wars: This educational company started programming with a new concept of ‘kata’(a programming exercise to develop skills by practicing and repeating) in the year 2012.

Code Wars is not the place for you if you are a beginner because teaching is less suited to code wars. For learners, it might be one of the best places for you if you have experience of coding beforehand. The website is full of programmers from US, China, and India so a diversified community of users.

Some of the clients of Code wars are Apple, Andela, TrueCar.

Photo Credits: Leetcode

Leet Code: One of the best online resource providing websites for programmers who want to crack the technical interviews. Arguably, it has the largest pool of interview questions for the preparation of Google, Facebook, and Amazon. Also, you can face mock interviews with various companies(for premium members). The home page has sections like Explore, Problems, Mock, Contest, Articles and Discuss.

It prepares for interviews of some of the major companies in the world and its users have been placed in companies like Facebook, Leap Motion, Uber, Apple, Google, Intel, Amazon, Bank of America, Pinterest, CISCO.

Photo Credits: Codeingame

CodeinGame: The reason for its inclusion in my list is the uniqueness it brings to the table. In every problem, the logic attached is tied to the game which appears to the left of your screen.

It consists of sections like Practice, Compete, Contribute and Learn.

Clients: Adobe, Amadeus IT Group,, eBay, Nasdaq, Nintendo, Warner Bros.

Others Online Competitive Coding Platform: TCSCodevita, Microsoft Imagine Cup, Facebook Hacker Cup, Google CodeJam

