Challenges, issues and advantages of gender diversity in workplace.

SkillMirror India
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2018
Gender Diversity In Workplace

Gender has played a very important role in the culture. It has been the key factor in deciding the role of women and men in the society. The lines of gender started fading when in 1960’s more and more women started entering the workplace to support their family and to keep the economy of the country on the track. With more women in the workforce, equal pay and opportunities started becoming a norm. This gave a rise to an initiative known as gender diversity.

What does gender diversity mean?

The main aim of gender diversity is to equate the ratio of men and women in the workplace. Making women in equal power with men in terms of salary, opportunities and fair treatment.

Advantages of diversity in the workplace:

Gender diversity is beneficial for both women and the organizations. Gender diversity ensures a gender- balanced and better workforce. On the other side, gender diversity provides women financial independence. Gender diversity helps organizations to attract and retain a talented workforce. Diverse talent workforce enriches the problem-solving ability of the organization, helping it to sustain itself in the competitive times. Serving diverse customer base also becomes easy with gender diversity. Apart, from performance-oriented benefits of gender diversity, it also promotes a healthy work culture.

Challenges of diversity in the workplace:

The initiative of gender diversity in India is in its initial phase. The first and the most important reason for low count of women in the workplace is culture. Women are not initiated to work as compared to men. The second reason of a low number of women in the Indian workforce is household responsibilities and childcare. The outdated Education system also demotivates women from joining the workforce. There is a huge gap in the skills in what the industry demands an educational system provides.

Diversity issues in the workplace:

Equal opportunity is the best way to attract and retain the talent. Recognising and promoting women talent boosts up the confidence of both organization and women. Flexible working hours must be provided to the women. Task performance must be the key to promotion in the organization. Organizations can consider building a creche for better care of the child.

Gender diversity is the call of the hour and if implemented well it will be beneficial for society, business and economy.

We at Skill Mirror |Job Portal in India promote the idea of equal opportunity to both men and women. Committed to skilling the asset of our country for a better economic future.

