How to do well in a job interview? Some indispensable interview tips and tricks.

SkillMirror India
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2018
Tips for successful job interview

Job hunting can be both taxing and be complicating. The two mantras to succeed in an interview is practice and positive attitude.

Below are some vital tips for a successful job interview -

  1. Research the company and industry — Before heading for an interview, research well on the company’s background and its core mission. Ask yourself are you coherent with company’s values and mission? You must also have a good knowledge of company’s revenue, competition and ,its current market value.
  2. Clear analysis of job description — Before applying for an interview, just go through the job description well. Check out the skills which company requires in their candidate.
  3. Interview practice — Practice the question well that an interviewer most probably can ask for. Keep your answers topic relevant and short. Practising before can be very handy, as you will be well prepared with relevant answers.The interviewer can always throw unexpected questions at you, be prepared. Special emphasis must be given to CTC you expect and skills you own and your introduction.
  4. Body posture — If you tend to get stressed before an interview, just try deep breathing. Try to sit straight and calm. Avoid repeated checking of phone. Make sure that you are well and appropriately dressed for the interview. Try to wear formal clothes on the day of interview. Your clothes must be washed and ironed properly.
  5. Impressive Resume creation — Your resume must be ready before the day of the interview. It must be updated with your relevant skills and experiences. Give special emphasis to your skills and experiences while designing your resume. Avoid adding unnecessary information. Read out our blog post on creative resume ideas to make your dream come true.
  6. Cross questioning the interviewer — You can always cross question an interviewer about the company’s future plan and mission. Your questions must be relevant. Don’t ask just to print a good impression on the interviewer.
  7. Always Ask For Feedback — After an interview ends you can always ask for the interviewer feedback, for self-improvement. Feedback give you proper insights about your weakness and strengths. Providing you indispensable tips to keep you updated with current industrial trends.
  8. Accepting the results — If you fail, you must not demotivate yourself. Learn from every failure that you face during your lifetime. Failure teaches you more than success does. Learn from the feedback that you received from the past interviewers. You can also try to learn few more skills or go for certification courses to upgrade the levels of your skills. Positive outlook towards unfavourable circumstances can take you a long way. Even after facing a repercussion, you must keep on applying for a job. You must devoid yourself of negative thinking and work forward in realising your passion and long term goals.

Note : Never ever forget to carry your resume for applying job. Job Interview without a resume is like a doctor without stethoscope.

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