7 Reasons to Attend droidcon London 2019

Sophie Mansfield
Skills Matter
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2019

The eleventh edition of droidcon London is just over two months away! Still on the fence about attending? We’ve rounded up seven solid reasons to head to the UK’s most buzzin’ Android event this October 24th and 25th:

1. Learn from over 60 expert speakers 🧠😵

We’re super excited to have some top keynotes lined up for you this Autumn… On your marks, get set, start coding like an athlete with Christina Lee (Android GDE at Pinterest). Embark on an Android adventure with droidcon London icons and funny men Chet Haase (Chief Android Advocate at Google) and Romain Guy (Android Toolkit lead at Google). Discover how to build an accessible smart guitar (that’s right) for the deaf, blind and mute with Joe Birch (Senior Android Engineer at Buffer). Delve into the world of developer personal branding with Android expert, Stacy Devino (who won’t let a small thing like being seven-and-a-half months pregnant stop her from telling the conference how you can get recognised for the work you already do at every level in your career). PLUS many, many more!

2. Assemble some Android associates

Learn alongside, befriend and network with 2,000 attendees — all connected by a passion for Android (it’s quite the conversation starter).

3. Justify that trip to London you’ve been meaning to take

Situated in the Borough of Islington (Angel, to be exact), droidcon London takes place in one of London’s most vibrant areas. Within easy access of public transport, there’s no reason why your day should end with the final keynotes. The whole city is your Oyster(card).

(We can’t guarantee Richard Branson will make a cameo though)

4. Inspiration

60+ speakers and workshop hosts mean over 60 different sessions. droidcon London’s highly technical talks and hands-on tutorials cover the beginner, intermediate and advanced stages of Android development. This year topics and areas of study include: Unit Testing; safe Kotlin; effective Reactive Architecture; animation; Architecture components; tricks of Android Studio; Biometric Auth; designing an intent-based API; voice interactions; deep linking and more!

That’s a whole lotta skill enhancement!

5. Be part of something special

Coming up to its eleventh birthday, droidcon London is Europe’s largest Android developer conference. Attracting developers from all around the globe, we’ve been proud to watch it grow, year after year.

6. SaTURN down for what?! 👽🌝

2019 marks the fiftieth year since the moon landing so, naturally, that calls for a big space-themed out-of-this-world party! Tickets are free to droidcon London attendees and will cover a night of entertainment, games and snacks. Get ready to rocket all night long!

7. Learn in a safe space (no connection to the moon landing)

Committed to diversity and providing a friendly, secure and welcoming environment to all, droidcon London will be packed full of friendly and respectful faces. Skills Matter values participation within a community that includes everyone — regardless of background, ability or orientation.

No longer on the fence? Secure your ticket for droidcon London 2019 on the official conference page

We hope to see you with us this October! 🤖



Sophie Mansfield
Skills Matter

Growth Marketer at SkillsMatter: Where tech skills and community collide 🤖😺 @sophieatSM