Sharpen your F#: 5 top talks dedicated to enhancing the F Sharp experience

Sophie Mansfield
Skills Matter
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2019

Looking to put some fun back into functional programming? Who wouldn’t be! From easing the path to F# adoption, to getting your dev stack back under control with the help of Elmish, we’ve gathered 5 popular tech talks from F# eXchange to help you utilise the strengths of this multi-paradigm language.

SAFE Apps with F# Web Stack (with Functional Programming fanboy and passionate F# dev, Tomasz Heimowski)

Whilst modern web stacks often involve more than one programming language, SAFE offers an end-to-end solution with static typing safety and other powerful language capabilities on both server and client side. All in plain F#.

Unearth the possibilities of the SAFE stack with Tomasz’s talk.

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F# Code I Love (with the don of F#, Don Syme)

F# creator, Principal Researcher at Microsoft and fsharp blogger, Don Syme runs through some of the code he most loves (and why) with a 2018 keynote.

Discover how the beloved code also relates to features of the programming language and unearth the ‘sweet spot’ for using F# both as an individual and within a team.

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Easing the Path to F# Adoption (with open source and F# community contributor, Colin Bull)

Take some of the stress out of transitioning to F# as Colin shows how to structure its code and which functional features to use (and avoid).

Perfect for devs new to the language!

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Crossroads: F# in the Middle of… Nowhere? (with creator of Fable, co-author of ‘Mastering F#’ and linguist by heart, Alfonso Garcia-Caro)

Figuring out how to evolve F# can present a bit of a dilemma to the community! While some want to bring it closer to other functional languages, others want to keep it simple. While others think compatibility with C# is important, some are indifferent.

Can people from very different backgrounds, skill levels and goals ever reach an agreement?

Is the confluence of software development experiences a weakness of the language and its community, or can we turn it into its greatest strength?

Alfonso explores some of the answers.

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Elmish: Get your Dev Stack Back Under Control (with seasoned language tester and F# fan, Maxime Mangel)

Elmish implements the ‘Model-View-Update’ architecture made famous by Elm. This allows for a clear separation between state change and UI controls, though Elmish is also a rich ecosystem which provides easy access to modern development tools.

Discover how the Elmish ecosystem provides a time travel debugger, Hot Module Replacement, and even IntelliSense with compilation check over CSS frameworks, as Maxime shows what modern web development currently looks like — and how it’s set to improve your workflow and production.

Watch here

💥 Are you an F# fan? If you’re around London this April, check out F# eXchange 2019 for two power-packed days dedicated to harnessing the power of F# for real-world engineering and problem solving — complete with top experts and members of the international functional programming community.

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Sophie Mansfield
Skills Matter

Growth Marketer at SkillsMatter: Where tech skills and community collide 🤖😺 @sophieatSM