3 Reasons WHY you need to master Personal Branding

Natalija Counet
Upskilling for the Future
2 min readMay 9, 2017

Personal Branding is a hot subject. Is it a hype or is it really a thing? We all now have a Personal brand whether we like it or not, whether we do something about it or not. It is your professional image, the perception of others about your qualities and abilities. It is the way you deliver value and communicate about it to the outside world. Or simply put it is how others, your colleagues, employers and clients experience who you are and what you do.

Personal Branding is the skill of the future. Here are 3 good reasons by the world leading experts in the subject on why it is so important.

1) It is a serious career development strategy
Companies are making it clear that even though you receive a paycheck with their name on it, when it comes to managing your career, they’re reducing their involvement. It’s up to you to identify your next role and connect with the right people in the organization to make it happen. Like it or not, this means you have the same need to build and maintain your brand as any company. (William Arruda — Personal Branding pioneer)

2) It is a must have skill in new reality of work
Our “position” and “job title” just isn’t as important any more. What matters is “what you know how to do” and your personal and professional reputation. This means we all must learn how to continuously reskill ourselves, market and position our skills and experience. The most important skill to build in today’s “future of work” is what you may call “personal reinvention” — the ability to let go of who you are today and recreate yourself as jobs around you change. (Joe Bershin — Founder Deloitte by Bershin)

3) It is the way to get results
You need to be relevant to grow your career and to find new business opportunities. You need to be relevant for your partners, clients, employers and colleagues. If you are not relevant, you are not important. Being relevant is the starting point for growth, results, and success. (Paul Hughes — Growth expert)

Based on one survey, less than 15% of people have truly defined their personal brand and less than 5% are living it consistently at work — each and every day. Personal Branding is not something you create, it is something YOU DO. The best way is to commit to developing Personal Branding as a skill which you need to master. Then the question to ask is who and what can help you to do it best?



Natalija Counet
Upskilling for the Future

Jobs & Skills of the Future Challenge Lead at Amsterdam Economic Board || Founder http://361degreesLAB.com || Interested in things we can do on Monday Morning