100% Effective Secrets of Successful Inbound Marketing

Published in
4 min readAug 18, 2021
Elyes Mdimagh, Head of Marketing at Proxym and expert of Skills21; “Inbound Marketing” masterclass.
Elyes Mdimagh, Head of Marketing at Proxym and expert of Skills21; “Inbound Marketing” masterclass.

Don’t interrupt what people want to consume, be what they want to consume.

Being a marketer used to mean stalking, interrupting, and chasing people. But, the world is constantly changing and so does marketing. Let us first introduce the new age marketing:

Inbound marketing. ✨

It is a strategy that attracts leads and makes them come to you instead of you looking for them by creating valuable content that helps them solve their problems instead of distracting their attention. While traditional marketing relies on tools such as cold emailing, cold calling, and interrupting ads, inbound marketing uses techniques such as SEO, blogging, and attracting. Thus, the first one is marketer-centric, while the second one is customer-centric.

Our expert Elyes Mdimagh, a digital consultant, B2B marketing specialist, and an inbound marketing expert held a session during our 3rd Bootcamp in which he explained in depth the inbound methodology.

These 4 inbound marketing success secrets that he shared with us will teach you how to correctly use this methodology and achieve the best outcome:

1 — Use buyer personas:

Know who you’re trying to reach — everything you do must be tied back to who your personas are. Your buyer personas are who you’re trying to reach. Instead of trying to attract, convert, close, and delight all 3 billion people on the internet, focus on those most likely to become promoters. Make semi-fictional representations of your ideal customer, including real data and some select educated speculation about customer demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals. This step is important to create the right content that will help you attract your ideal visitors, convert them into leads, and close them into customers.

The buyer persona creation process consists of three steps:

A. Do your research:

Buyer personas must be based on research, not assumptions. Here are some examples of questions you need to ask while conducting your research:

  1. What is their job role/role in life?
  2. Their title?
  3. What industry or industries does their company work in ?
  4. Is their role in?
  5. What are they working to accomplish?
  6. What are their biggest challenges?

You can interview your current customers, former customers, prospects, and even your coworkers.

B. Identify trends:

According to bucket research findings, patterns and similarities in answers to persona research questions indicate who your personas are.

C. Create persona profile stories:

Here is an example to help you create your own:

Buyer persona detailed example.
Photo credits: Elyes Mdimagh X Skills21.

2 — Use the buyer’s journey:

Make sure every interaction your persona has with your organization is tailored to where they are in the buyer’s journey. A buyer’s journey is the active research process someone goes through leading up to making a purchase. It is as follows:

Buyer’s journey in details.
Photo credits: Elyes Mdimagh X Skills21.

3 — Create remarkable content:

Content that is tailored to both who your personas are and where they are in the buyer’s journey is inbound fuel. Inbound marketing mixes content and context.

Content being your marketing toolkit. Things like blogs, interactive tools, photos/infographics, videos, and e-books/presentations that work to attract, convert, close, and delight.

And context being who you’re creating it for: you can’t just write any posts, you have to write the right ones — those tailored to whom you’re trying to reach and what they’re interested in.

4 — Leverage your content:

Make that content available for them to find — and to serve your business goals: content distribution is what provides the context to your content and makes it relevant. Some examples of distribution techniques are website pages, business blogs, social media, landing pages, calls-to-action, and marketing emails. Remember that the right distribution technique gets the right content in front of the right person at the right time. Don’t just create great content, find an effective way to get it out to the world.

To sum up, successful inbound strategies take into consideration personas that are based on thorough research and buyer’s journey, use great content as a magnet to capture prospect’s attention, and choose wisely the most suitable distribution techniques.

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This article was written by Ghaya khamassi — Skills21 alumna.




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