3 Business Skills That Can Improve Your Daily Life

Ghaya khamassi
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2022
Man holding incandescent bulb
Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

We tend to have this idea of separating business and personal life which I totally agree with. But some of your business skills don’t have to be just the way you deal with business, they can be the way you deal with life.

In this article, I’ll present to you three of these skills and how they can improve your daily life:

1. Prioritizing tasks and organizing them efficiently:

There are a lot of things we need to do in our daily lives, like going to work or school, buying groceries, cooking, eating, exercising, etc.

In order to accomplish everything you need to do, you need to prioritize your daily activities. You can’t work on everything at once so it’s important to decide what’s most important and then get started on that.

Have you ever thought that you can do these “systematic” tasks in a more efficient way that fulfills you?

The answer is right there. Just use those business skills you plan your projects and meetings with.

This is a great way to help you manage your time better.

It will also help you to see what tasks can be combined or eliminated altogether.

I’m not saying you need to measure each step and each minute and become obsessed over losing time, but a minimum organization can work like magic.

Start by asking the right questions:

  • What is the most important task that I should be doing?
  • Which tasks take more time?
  • Are there any tasks that I can combine?
  • Which task do I love doing the most? Which task gives me energy?
  • Which task needs more focus?

Then, sit down and plan for your day, make it a big day. It doesn’t have to include an extraordinary adventure or event to be so, right? Just make each task a little more efficient and fulfilling experience.

2. Teamwork:

Let’s put it there: Life is teamwork! And your personal life is.

We’re always engaging with other people in one way or another: our parents, our siblings, our roommates, our friends. And we do have tasks that are performed as a team.

You can cook dinner with your mom or clean the house with your roommate or whatever it is that you’re doing with another person it is important to work as a team just like in business.

That means you need to be able to communicate effectively, be open to suggestions from others, and make sure everyone is on the same page.

You should also make sure that everyone knows what their responsibilities are so you can work together effectively.

You can’t do everything yourself so it’s important that you work with others and delegate tasks.

Just as in business be flexible and let each one do the thing they can do best to delegate the tasks effectively.

Sit together, plan as a team and execute!

Not a rigid one make a flexible plan that works in your best interests.

3. Decision making and problem-solving:

Decision-making and problem-solving are the two most important skills in business and not surprisingly in your daily life.

Just think about it, we make approximately 35000 decisions a day and each decision will impact our reality and future directly or indirectly massively or slightly.

Let's take an example of an important decision in your life for example choosing the optimal company you want to work at, you can use your problem-solving skills to find the optimal choice.

A great piece of advice I heard from my risk management professor once was to collect all the information needed and then take the decision you need either rationally doing all the math you need or intuitively.

Choosing consciously can help you make better decisions and save your time.

To sum up, you can use your business skills at home and in your community to improve your life and the lives of others around you.

