6 Simple Tips To Write A Powerful, Yet Winning Copy That Sells!

Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2021

If you leverage your writing to tell a compelling story about your product, the sky is only the starting point for your business.

During the second session of our 3rd Bootcamp, we tackled the subject of copywriting. In this article, we present to you the definition of copywriting and some killer tips to be successful at it.

First, What is Actually Copywriting ?

Copywriting is a marketing element. It is the science of writing copy. By copy, we mean words used on landing pages, ads, promotional materials, emails… Its purpose is to sell, drive conversation, and convert leads.

Tip #1: Fully Understand The Product

You can’t write about a product without knowing its characteristics and what’s unique about it. Start by analyzing it. Set the problem you are solving, the way you are solving it, and the unique features of your solution. In other words, get hold of every single aspect of your product.

Tip #2: Do Your Customer Research

To succeed in selling something, you need to understand who you’re selling to. Here comes the importance of customer research and building a customer persona. Consider asking these questions:

  1. Who buys the product?
  2. Who would potentially do so?
  3. What are the characteristics of this potential buyer?
  4. Why would he/she come back?

Tip #3: Write Eye-Catching Headlines

Your headline can determine if a person continues reading or just scrolls down, as it is the first thing to look at. To catch the attention of your readers, use specific headlines that are unique to your product and convey a sense of urgency.

Tip #4: Write a clear Call-To-Action


Your copy is a Call To Action.

Think about the action you want your customers to take: Is it to register, order, or book something?

Then, try to convey it in the most precise way you can. See this example.

Tip #5: Remember that “People don’t buy what you do; they buy WHY you do it”

Why you’re doing what you’re doing is why anyone should care. So, use this point as a pro-tip to spark interest and inspire your customers to buy your products.

Tip #6: Testing, Testing, Testing

Don’t hesitate to put your work into test because you can never know if it will convert. Test different approaches to see what works best!

What Can You Test? 🤔

  1. Headlines,
  2. The first paragraph or two under the Headline,
  3. The Formatting,
  4. Your Call To Actions.

Remember, there is no limit to what you can try. Try everything and see how your customers respond. After all, the results may surprise you 🎊

The Takeaway:

As a copywriter, it is important to fully understand the business and the product you’re trying to sell. It is important to understand your customer’s needs and pain points as well.

If you are interested in working more on your copywriting skills or testing them through our assignments, apply to our next bootcamp through this link (apply.getskills21.com).

This article was written by Ghaya khamassi — Skills21 alumna.




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