How To Prospect Leads Using The Modern Method?

Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2021
Yosra Hmida, the expert behind Skills21 “Lead Generation” Training session.

The right content at the right time in the right place, targeting the right people.

The first thing that might come to our minds when we hear about lead generation is cold calling and chasing a lead no matter how exhausting or time costly this could be as it is what we’re used to doing and with no doubt is profitable in a timely basis, but can we do it differently?

The answer is yes, instead of you chasing leads, this new prospecting way will have them come to you and chase you.

Yes, let them chase YOU!

The question is, HOW ?

Simply by using : Content creation, which remind us we do have an article about that may be worth reading it to attract leads & Marketing automation.

And, what is marketing automation 🤔

Simply put, it is a technology that automates some marketing processes such as the leads’ qualification process and creating email campaigns. It implements a customized digital marketing strategy well set by you without having you do it manually.

Marketing automation = Software + Digital marketing strategy.

To create the right content, we need to understand the customer journey and create suitable content for each phase:

Phase 1 : “Awareness”

During this phase, the client realizes a problem or an opportunity and starts looking for ways to formulate his needs. You can use educational articles (like this one), content, or research.

Phase 2 : “Evaluation”

Now that the problem is understood and formulated, the client starts looking for solutions. For this phase, you can use expert guides or leading articles, and we highly recommend you to read this one.

Phase 3 : “Engagement”

This phase is the decision-making stage where the client decides if he’s going to opt for your solution. You can use demos, webinars, and functionality lists.

So, we’ll be using inbound marketing rather than outbound or traditional marketing. It works in the following way:

A meme that clearly explains inbound marketing.
Yes we are talking about inbound marketing.

First, attracting visitors using SEO, blogs, or social media.

Second, converting these visitors using calls to actions, forms, landing pages, or content.

Third, selling your product using tools such as marketing automation, workflows, CRM, and lead scoring.

Finally, retaining your leads and generating loyalty using smart content, workflows, and newsletters.

How to create an inbound marketing strategy?

1 — Define your buyer persona:

It is important to set at least one persona with its different characteristics. The ideal client is someone that you can meet his/her needs perfectly.

2 — Create quality content:

Optimize your content, use attractive headlines and subjects, and outsmart your competitors.

3 — Have an optimized website:

It is important to have a well-set landing page and use SEO optimization in your website.

4 — Use marketing automation:

It will guide you from visibility to conversion and lead nurturing to the final phase of sales. You can use some offered free versions of Mailchimp, Sendinblue, HubSpot, or Leadfox.

To sum up, sales and marketing are no longer two different components. In some companies, they’re even merged, from which comes the noun smarketing. Using content and marketing automation to attract new leads makes the sales mission easier and more effective.

If you need any help with lead generation or looking for further information, don’t hesitate to contact us. 📞 Book a call from here 👈

This article was written by Ghaya khamassi — Skills21 alumna.




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