Surprisingly, The Most Effective Way for Conversion-Oriented Content!

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3 min readJul 30, 2021
Presenting Nnadozie Ebere, Co-Founder TORÍ Branding, who was invited to the session Storytelling during  the third skills21 bootcamp.

Content creators and especially newbies often struggle with poor engagement, the inability to get more clients or grow their audience, and poor digital structure with very few clients.

The third session of our 3rd Bootcamp was held by Nnadozie Ebere the co-founder of TORI Branding which is a content branding company in Rwanda. Based on his professional experience and after successfully attracting and closing six high-profile deals in Rwanda and increasing each company’s revenue by 80%, DOZIE exposed the hidden secret that we’re about to present in this article!

Getting low to no response from your audience can be overwhelming and may get us to the question of why some creators succeed in engaging customers while others don’t?


Storytelling! ✨

YES, it is the one thing that can spark interest and most importantly maintain it. We all heard about using stories in business at some point as they inspire, engage, and help people remember you, but how can we do that?

Whether you are familiar with this process or not, to craft a story, the content creator should go through 2 stages:

I — The Developing or Brainstorming Stage:

In this stage, it is important to understand your customer and build a user persona for the hero of the story you are creating. Your story should get the character from a crappy, ordinary world to a happy place. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Who are you creating this for?
  2. What kind of information are they looking for?
  3. What kind of questions are they asking?
  4. What kind of frustrations do they have?
  5. How challenging is it for them to find solutions to this problem?
  6. Doing interviews or reading reviews can be helpful in this step.

II — The Presenting Stage:

Now that you understand your customers’ problem, let them know that you do and that you empathize with them. Show them that you understand the way they’re feeling and the obstacles they’re meeting. And finally, present to them the new reality and help them to get there.

Now that you crafted your story, you may be concerned about standing out. The answer to that is creating a brand for yourself and paying attention to your user’s experience. To do so, follow these tips:

  • Develop a unique style and stick to it
  • Communicate your values
  • Incorporate your visual identity
  • Create in the language of your audience
  • Ask for feedback and continue to iterate with it
  • Improve their consumption experience

To sum up, if you want to succeed as content creators, it is important to recognize the power of the business of telling stories and to work on your skills to tell better stories.

We want to see your improvements as storytellers and hear all your stories during our upcoming bootcamps. Use this link to apply.

This article was written by Ghaya khamassi — Skills21 alumna.




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