1 Year in Review: My 3 Do’s & Don’ts for Success

Gianna Wilson
Achieving Our Greatness: The Intern Story
3 min readMar 19, 2021

As of a few days ago, I have been at Skillsoft for an entire year. The time has flown by and on some days, it feels like I just started. I was the first intern onboarded to the team and have been able to meet such amazing fellow interns throughout the year as they have come and gone. Before accepting this internship role, I was contemplating holding off to wait to hear from other positions — I can’t even express how glad I am that I didn’t do that.

In 368 days, I have learned and accomplished more than I can even wrap my head around or believe. From being introduced to agile methodology to taking on a scrum master role for a diamond team to doing data analysis, I have dipped my toes into so many different areas within the marketing team. I have worked with colleagues across the world, attended two of Skillsoft’s largest virtual events, earned 60 digital badges on Percipio, and written more pieces of content than I can count (including my 12 previous blogs). If I had to pick just one project I am most proud of or one experience I enjoyed most, I really don’t think I could pick.

One of my top moments was just last week when I was on our Global Town Hall meeting facilitated by only women in honor of Women’s History Month. I was invited to join a panel regarding enablement and provide the lens of recent graduates and those just starting out in their professional careers. It was such an inspiring event and an honor to be a part of and reminded me of why I enjoy working at Skillsoft. The sense of female empowerment and leadership was inspiring and so encouraging.

My co-panelists & I!

Needless to say, I have learned so much from all of these experiences. I have seen myself grow, mature, and gain a better understanding of what I want out of my work and career as a whole. For me, these are the top do’s and don’t:

DO try new things (even if you’re scared you might mess up). You may find you love things you never thought you’d ever try.

DO ask questions. Asking questions is never bad and people will respect you more for asking rather than assuming.

DO schedule time in your calendar to meet you colleagues. It will make work more fun and you’ll make new friends doing so.

DON’T overbook yourself and say yes to everything all of the time. Make boundaries and respect them for yourself.

DON’T ignore learning and networking opportunities (especially if they are free). Attend free webinars, join meetings hosted by the company, and take advantage of any opportunity to learn, grow, and excel.

DON’T forget about mentors. Mentors are people you should have in your life throughout your career. Don’t forget to keep in touch and update them on your career and life.

I am happy to say that these first 368 days were only the start of my journey with Skillsoft, as I will be joining the team full time after graduation as a Communications Assistant. Knowing everything I accomplished in this first year, I can’t wait to see what will come in the next one.

