A Day in the Office at a Remote Company: Exploring Workbar

Skillsoft has truly distinguished itself as a successful company operating in a fully remote format. Their collaborative and inclusive values are evident in the streamlined and efficient processes by which the teams accomplish their work. Achieving such a close-knit community within a remote framework is remarkable, and during my interview process, this aspect was evident. In a previous blog, I discussed the advantages and disadvantages of a remote internship. Notably, there is enhanced work-life balance, increased autonomy, and greater responsibility, alongside challenges such as efficient communication, minimizing external distractions, and immersing oneself in the office culture. As my initial weeks at Skillsoft progressed, I became increasingly curious about the in-person resources available.

As a young professional embarking on my career journey, I found myself yearning not just for a change of scenery, but for the structure and environment of an official office space. Skillsoft’s subscription to Workbar services provided the perfect solution to this need. In this blog, I am thrilled to share my experience working in a shared office setting as a remote marketing intern and how it has enriched my professional and personal growth.

Getting Organized

I was delighted to discover that my interest in visiting a Workbar office was widely shared among my colleagues. My manager promptly added me to a formal group chat that connects employees in the same geographical area, allowing us to coordinate office visits on the same days. This community and unity have been a consistent theme throughout my internship, and I was eager to experience it in person. Once we establish who will be going to which office and when, the list of names is sent to our company’s liaison for Workbar, ensuring a smooth and organized visit.

That Morning

On office mornings, I embark on my commute with anticipation and excitement. I enjoy the process of getting dressed and ready for the day, knowing I will be in a big city surrounded by people from many walks of life. Living with my roommates who also work nearby adds a layer of convenience and fun. We all catch the same train, which not only simplifies our schedules but gives us a chance to share a few jokes and discuss our after-work plans, like watching The Bachelorette! This morning ritual energizes me, setting a positive tone for the day. After parting ways with my roommates at the train platform, I stop by Dunkin’ for a coffee and take a walk to the office to mentally prepare and organize my thoughts. This helps me feel ready to take on any challenges that come my way and sets the tone for a productive day.

Starting in the Office

Upon arriving at the office, we typically gather around a large communal table, which fosters teamwork and collaboration. It is exciting when members of different marketing branches arrive, as I get to learn more about their projects and daily routines. This benefit of in-person interaction has further developed my understanding of the marketing ecosystem at Skillsoft and in a broader sense of the discipline. Additionally, this face-to-face engagement has streamlined many of my cross-team projects, making communication feel more effortless and natural after meeting in a shared environment and establishing personal connections.

Throughout the day, I take full advantage of the various spaces Workbar offices offer. The blend of open communal areas, individual and group conference rooms, personal desks, and a spacious cafeteria provides a versatile working environment. While I often work in the large communal area at our team table, I will reserve conference rooms for both online and in-person meetings, securing a dedicated place to brainstorm, strategize, and communicate. Although I have honed my ability to maximize productivity and efficiency at home, these designated areas have proven to be invaluable assets in optimizing my daily workflow.


Lunchtime in the office is a particularly unique part of the day. As a group, we venture out to explore nearby dining spots, often gravitating toward favorites like Chipotle and Potbelly. These shared meals are frequently the highlight of my day, as they provide a needed break and an opportunity to bond and enjoy each other’s company. It is during these moments that I find the space to grow my network, ask industry-related questions, and hear about life experiences. The enhanced community and mutual support in the office environment make it a place where genuine conversations and connections can transpire.

Heading Out

As the team packs up, I feel a sense of accomplishment that I know is shared amongst us as we end a day filled with collective wins. After saying our goodbyes, the walk to the train station provides a quiet moment to reflect on our achievements and appreciate the fresh, invigorating office environment. Once I am on the train, the reflection continues, but this time in the company of friends. We talk about our days, exchange stories, and laugh about the little moments, making the commute feel less long and crowded in the summer heat. The culmination of the day leaves me eager and excited to return to the office at the next opportunity.

Overall Benefits

Working in an office during my remote internship has been immensely beneficial. I have thoroughly enjoyed the dynamic environment full of collaboration and creativity. Getting to know my coworkers beyond their titles on a screen has deepened my appreciation of their personalities, talents, and experiences, leading to more meaningful connections. The structured setting has elevated my productivity and offered a variety of workspaces suited to different tasks, from communal tables to private conference rooms. Moreover, the routine of commuting and sharing lunch breaks has added a new level of normalcy and camaraderie. Reflecting on the day’s accomplishments during my peaceful walk to the train and engaging in insightful conversations with friends on the ride home has enriched my overall experience. This blend of professional development and personal connection has made my internship a transformational journey.

