Achieving Success Together: Insights on Skillsoft’s Collaborative Work Culture

A collaborative work culture is pivotal to fostering a successful organization. Knowing this to be true, I’ve observed that many companies speak about their values and work culture online; however, these principles are only effective when integrated into everyday life and implemented by every employee. Skillsoft exemplifies this perfectly. From the moment I participated in my first interview to almost seven weeks into my internship, I have continually felt the essence of teamwork and collectiveness. It was remarkable to feel the company’s work culture even before stepping into the role, and it heavily influenced my decision to become a Skillsoft Marketing Intern.

At the beginning of my Skillsoft interview journey, I recall researching the company’s values and coming across a blog by former CMO, Michelle Boockoff-Bajdek, titled Living Our Values: The Positive Impact of Growing a Responsible Business. This blog highlighted Skillsoft’s collaborative environment, specifically noting, “We are One Team” and “We are Open and Respectful…we ensure everyone feels welcome.” As an interview candidate, these values stood out to me, and during the rounds of interviews, it was evident that they are deeply embedded within Skillsoft.

Throughout the interviews, the marketing professionals I spoke with also emphasized how their teams work together closely. Their welcoming tone and conversation made me feel calm and allowed me to genuinely enjoy the process. When compared to the other interviews I had with different companies, this experience was unique. I left each conversation feeling a sense of inclusivity and hoped to be part of this culture. From then on, I realized that when a company truly embodies its values and cultivates a strong work culture, it shines through in interactions with individuals outside of the organization.

Jumping to today, I have had the opportunity to work with my team and see collaboration in action within our projects. In these groups, teamwork is vital, with everyone working in a sequence and dividing tasks based on our areas of expertise. Throughout the lifecycle of a project, there are so many professionals involved in achieving our desired goals and we often use team meetings to make sure we are on the same page. We always ask for updates, answer necessary questions, help each other out, and most importantly acknowledge and appreciate the work that has been completed. We all make the most of having a dedicated team and do our best to get to know each other throughout our conversations.

The camaraderie within Skillsoft has been one of my favorite parts of the internship, and it has made me realize how imperative a collective culture can be. To illustrate this point, here are a few notable impacts:

1. Increased Productivity

Increased productivity is a significant benefit of fostering a collaborative culture. In such environments, tasks can be allocated based on individual strengths and expertise. This ensures that each team member contributes most effectively to the overall project, leading to optimized efficiency and quality of work. Within this scope, effective communication is a central factor. When team members communicate transparently, there is clarity on goals and progress, which helps address challenges and reduce possible errors. At Skillsoft, specifically the marketing department, group meetings serve as an essential line of communication. I have found that these meetings enable us to complete our work in a fast and timely manner, ultimately boosting productivity.

2. Continuous Learning

Skillsoft’s emphasis on collaboration has provided me with many opportunities to accelerate my learning. Working alongside various teams has allowed me to dive into areas of marketing that I was not exposed to before, such as content, product, and social media. During our discussions, team members openly share their knowledge, providing worthwhile life and career advice and generating feedback that can enhance our work. Additionally, participating in one-on-one meetings with my coworkers has given me insights into resources both within and outside of Skillsoft, particularly in areas of marketing I am interested in, like Account Based Marketing and Data Analytics. I have been introduced to Percipio certifications, courses, and books that I may not have crossed paths with otherwise, which have enabled me to further advance my skills.

3. Adaptability

Collaboration plays a crucial role in fostering adaptability in the workplace, especially at a dynamic organization like Skillsoft. As the company evolves and undergoes changes, transitions can be difficult to navigate, whether that is employees taking on new roles or facing developments in the market landscape. Nevertheless, cross-collaboration can be a beneficial tool that can smooth these transitions. When employees know each other’s skill sets and their areas of expertise, they can easily access each other for assistance. In fact, I recently experienced this firsthand when my manager was out of the office for a few days. During that time, I came across a hurdle accessing certain reports on my Salesforce account. Fortunately, I knew a coworker from previous projects who had an abundance of experience with Salesforce. She became an invaluable resource and helped solve the issue. This sharing of knowledge not only facilitates seamless transitions but also promotes a culture of teamwork and mutual support, ultimately contributing to the overall resilience of Skillsoft.

4. Job Satisfaction

One of the most important outcomes of a collaborative work culture is job satisfaction. Although I have not been at Skillsoft for a long time, I feel fulfilled and excited to be part of a close-knit and welcoming organization. Whenever I meet new people in the company, I never feel anxious, because I know our values are present throughout each department. I enjoy the work that I do, and what makes it even more special are the people that I work with. Whether it’s my manager, onboarding buddy, mentor, fellow interns, or any other Skillsoft employee I have interacted with, I have felt a strong connection with everyone. The community at Skillsoft has made my internship experience gratifying and one filled with contentment.

Given the significance and its impact, I would advise others to always choose a workplace where collaboration is prioritized. In doing so, you can be empowered to foster innovation, build strong relationships, and achieve collective success more effectively.

