Back-to-School Marketing: Preparing for the End of Summer

All good things must come to an end, even summer internships. The inevitable return to school lingers in the distance and slowly grows closer. As the end comes into sight for my enriching internship at Skillsoft, I find myself reflecting on the journey and the lessons learned. There are some key takeaways I aim to share on how to close this chapter in a meaningful and constructive way. These tips on wrapping up an internship can help you make the most of your experience, ensuring that the skills and connections you’ve gained continue to benefit you.

By taking the time to properly complete your responsibilities, express gratitude to your mentors, and seek feedback, you can leave a lasting positive impression. Additionally, maintaining professional relationships and staying in touch with colleagues can keep the door open for new opportunities, whether they arise at the same company or within the broader industry. As you transition back to academic life, these strategies can help you carry forward the momentum you’ve built and position yourself for continued success.


Updating your resume and LinkedIn profile is a crucial step in leveraging the experience gained. Throughout the internship, I’ve acquired new skills in digital marketing strategies, product management, and asset messaging, all of which are valuable additions to my professional portfolio. By promptly updating your resume, you ensure these new competencies are accurately documented, making you a more competitive candidate for future roles. Notably, refreshing your LinkedIn profile not only highlights your latest experiences to your professional network but also helps you connect with industry professionals and potential employers who may have noticed your recent activities.


It is important to recognize the immense value of maintaining connections with mentors and colleagues from your summer internship. These relationships are more than just professional acquaintances; they represent a network of experienced individuals who can offer guidance, support, and valuable insights as you progress in your career. Staying in contact through regular check-ins, LinkedIn updates, or occasional coffee meetings allows you to continue learning from their expertise and experiences. Moreover, these connections can open doors to future jobs, provide references, and offer advice on navigating the complexities of the marketing industry.


As you round out your summer, it is vital to look ahead and evaluate your options. The first step is to determine whether you are interested in continuing with your current company or switching gears. If you wish to stay, use clear communication about your career aspirations to demonstrate initiative and a strong commitment to the organization. By expressing your interest in continuing with the company, you position yourself as a proactive and dedicated candidate eager to contribute further. This conversation also allows you to gain valuable feedback on your performance, understand the company’s future needs, and explore potential career paths within the organization. Showing enthusiasm for a full-time role or an extended internship can help you stay on the radar of decision-makers when hiring opportunities arise.


It is essential to reach out to coworkers and express gratitude for their roles in shaping your experience. Whether it was a mentor who provided guidance, a team member who collaborated on projects, or a supervisor who gave constructive feedback, each person contributed to your professional growth and learning. Writing personalized thank-you notes or messages not only acknowledges their support but also strengthens the professional relationships you’ve built. Recognizing their efforts and expressing appreciation fosters a positive and collaborative work culture, leaving a lasting impression of your professionalism and gratitude.

As a marketing intern, the lessons I’ve garnered throughout this summer have been transformative for my personal and professional development. As I approach the final week, I am taking proactive steps to fully capitalize on my learning. Updating my resume and LinkedIn profile showcases my newfound skills to future employers, maintaining connections with mentors and colleagues helps preserve a network that can offer continued guidance and opportunities, advocating my interest in a full-time position exemplifies commitment and ambition, potentially opening doors for continued employment, and expressing gratitude to coworkers solidifies my professional relationships. By taking these steps, you can maximize the benefits of your internship, positioning yourself for success and ensuring that the knowledge you’ve gained continues to propel you forward in your career.

