Becoming a Second Semester Senior in College: The Things You Should Remember

Lily Charter
Achieving Our Greatness: The Intern Story
3 min readNov 23, 2022

With my senior fall semester rapidly coming to a close, I have found myself reflecting on my biggest takeaways from my college experience thus far, as well as the goals I have for my final semester. Class registration for the spring semester was last week, which meant seniors were choosing their final courses that will be taken at college. For me, this really put things into perspective and forced me to acknowledge what little time I truly do have left as a student since I haven’t planned on attending graduate school. With this weighing on my mind, I’ve been spending a lot of time reflecting on how I hope to spend my last semester.

I currently live in my senior year house with six other girls. While to some this may sound like a lot, I know that I will never be in this living situation again. You can learn a lot about yourself when living with roommates, especially this many. Living with these girls has taught me a lot of lessons — I’ve learned how to live independently, while also living with a lot of responsibility. We learn from each other, support each other, and cherish the time we get to spend in each other’s company. I know there will be so many moments in the future that I will look back on these little moments and appreciate how truly special it is that I get to live with some of my best friends. So, as I enter my last semester of college, I wish to remember that, and not take any minute of it for granted.

In addition to enjoying every moment with my friends, I also want to stay present in the moment. As a senior in college, I know that at least for me I feel as if I’m being pulled in so many different directions in thinking about the future. Whether it be professors, parents, siblings, or friends, there is a lot of pressure as a senior to feel like you need to have everything figured out. The majority of my closest friends have had jobs lined up since the summer and, with that, the ease of heading into senior year with a clear plan. However, this certainly isn’t the case for everyone, and that is more than okay. We all have different priorities and goals upon graduation, so don’t let everyone else’s “set” plans stress you out. As a second-semester senior, this is the last opportunity we have to be a kid in college and fully enjoy that. We have the rest of our lives to work and worry about the future, don’t let that take away from the moments of college we hope to never forget.

Now, to play devil’s advocate on my last thought, I also want to make the time to attend events. As a senior, I had no idea how many events would get thrown at us throughout the year that practically force us to figure out a career. This can be overwhelming but take advantage of these resources and networking opportunities the school is giving you because you won’t have resources like this again after you graduate. Lean into the help they are giving you and build connections with the alumni network that is at your fingertips while you’re still on campus. In addition to this, talk to your professors in their office hours or after class. They are there for you and were in the very same position as us as students at one point. Even just using office hours to pick a professor’s brain for 30 minutes is invaluable, because we will not get that time again. Ask professors about internship and job opportunities — they want to help you.

Being a second semester senior in college can be stressful. It can bring up a wide range of emotions that can often be difficult to work through and manage. I encourage everyone who is in this position to lean into the support that exists around you and try your best to stay present and enjoy every minute of your final semester of college. It certainly goes fast!

