Building My Future with Skillsoft

Latee Wilburn
Achieving Our Greatness: The Intern Story
3 min readJun 11, 2021

My name is Latee’ Wilburn. I am joining the Skillsoft team as Marketing Communications and Content Intern. I am currently a senior at the University of Georgia where I am majoring in Communications.

With a strong background in education and freelance content/copywriting, it seemed like a no-brainer to apply to Skillsoft initially. I worked as a Math and English tutor for six years aside from blog and article writing. At that time, I liked my work, but I wanted something more purposeful.

When I found Skillsoft, I was still searching for some sort of purpose. Sure, I had picked Communications as my major and wanted to work in Marketing, but I still felt apprehensive about my career choices as a whole. Honestly, Marketing and working in Communications was never my dream job. It was not my 1st choice either. Better yet, it was my 4th or 5thchoice. If you had asked 8-year-old Latee’, the answer would have been a veterinarian. At 11, it would have been an art teacher. At 14, it would have been a novelist. At 18, I wanted to be a photographer. In my first year of college, I chose Journalism as my major. Towards the end of my junior year, I changed it to Communications. Mentally, I felt all over the place, but I also felt that everything happens for a reason. I still wasn’t sure about what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

But after just two weeks of working with Skillsoft, I feel like I have made the right decision . I now know that I am in the perfect spot because I enjoy the work and mindset they carry. Everything that I feared, or thought was holding me back was no longer an issue. From my brief and ongoing work with Skillsoft, the most significant benefit I received through my work is empowerment. Skillsoft has the perfect environment for growth and learning. They have a culture surrounded by trying new things, consistently developing your skill set, and learning.

Two of the main principles that I have learned from Skillsoft are how change is good and how learning needs to be prioritized. Above all, Skillsoft taught me that accepting change does not have to be considered hard or bad. With learning and developing comes mistakes, because mistakes provide opportunities for continued growth. It is a mindset that is not necessarily encouraged. We think of mistakes in a negative connotation, and we never think of the positive changes it can cause.

Skillsoft harnesses the perfect environment for learning and growing, because those two things allow you to be the best that you can possibly be. I know that my dream was never a specific career title. It was to have something that I could do every day for work that was fulfilling. I was yearning for a work atmosphere that would let me evolve and grow more.

I look forward to building and growing with Skillsoft, and I aim to learn as much as I can while I am here.

