Building Tech and People Skills: Adonay Woldegiorgis’s Internship Highlights

Skillsoft’s internship program offers participants a comprehensive and immersive experience across various disciplines. As a marketing intern, I have found it particularly enlightening to learn more about IT. This department serves as the digital backbone of our organization, playing a crucial role in maintaining and innovating our technological infrastructure. Adonay Woldegiorgis, our IT Solutions Finance Intern, has been a vital part of this team, diving headfirst into complex projects and bringing fresh perspectives to the table. He has found the opportunity to work at an international and collaborative company invaluable.

We sat down with Adonay to explore his experiences, challenges, and the skills he has honed during his time thus far. Let’s take a closer look!

Can you tell me about yourself; where do you go to school and what do you enjoy doing outside of the classroom?

“Hi, my name is Adonay. I am from Boston, born and raised, and I go to school at Northeastern University. I am studying finance and have really enjoyed my time at NU so far. Some things I like to do in my free time include playing basketball, listening to music, and traveling. I also love trying new foods, going out to eat, and spending time with family and friends.”

What attracted you to Skillsoft’s internship program?

“What primarily attracted me to Skillsoft’s internship program was the opportunity to gain some technical exposure while also preserving the finance skills and information that I have learned in my classes. The combination of computer-oriented skills with financial and quantitative expertise is what was most interesting to me.

Another aspect that piqued my interest was the concept of having a user ask me for assistance and then being able to fix it on the back end. It is fulfilling for me to see the changes implemented and the difference I can make for a user.”

Can you describe what a typical day looks like for you?

“For the most part, I am working on six different projects right now. The structure is that I have a buddy who reaches out to me with any tasks, and I complete them. There are also external responsibilities such as assisting with the Percipio Platform Feedback group. These projects could come from a range of people, whether it be my hiring manager or colleagues from a different team. I am here to help get things done, and I like the cross-functional nature of my business tasks.”

What is a new skill or piece of knowledge you have learned from this experience?

“The international exposure and the ability to interact with people from diverse backgrounds is something I find especially important. It is not my first time being exposed to this as I have previous work and school experiences that are applicable. However, I find it to be an unbelievably valuable trait not only in a professional environment but in life in general.

Skillsoft is much more international than I originally thought. For example, I am currently working with several people that are located in India. Hearing their perspectives and any lessons they can share is beneficial and unique to the Skillsoft company dynamic and internship program.

Beyond this, another vital skill I have developed is asking purposeful questions to my buddies and peers. When you are first starting something new, no matter what it is in life, you are going to have some sort of discomfort with the situation, specifically in terms of not knowing what to do. This internship has helped me recognize that this feeling is not only okay but also a key step in solving any problem.”

What is your greatest takeaway or piece of advice you have been given from this internship?

“To prioritize learning. During our Weekly Connect meeting, my hiring manager advised us to focus on taking things one day at a time. It made me realize that we’re only here for a short period, so dedicating ourselves to genuine learning is crucial. She also mentioned, ‘You’re not going to learn everything or do everything simply because we only have 10 weeks. So, it is important to make sure that each day you are just trying to make the most of it.’ That advice has stuck with me and is something I incorporate into my mindset daily.

Another takeaway, which I discussed with fellow interns, is the strong sense of community despite this being a fully remote internship. This characteristic is instilled by community leaders and management, such as Orla Daly, our Chief Information Officer. In addition, Lunch and Learns, where we meet with colleagues across the company to hear their experiences and advice, further drive this feeling of unity. It is surprising and impressive to see how Skillsoft creates that environment even across seas.”

We hope you enjoyed following along with some key highlights of Adonay’s experience as an IT Solutions Finance Intern here at Skillsoft. His knowledge and skills will continue to grow this summer as he prioritizes learning both technical and interpersonal skills across our organization!

Stay tuned to hear more stories from our amazing interns!

Adonay Woldegiorgis: IT Solutions Finance Intern

