Day in the Life of a Skillsoft Intern

When searching for internships, one of my most important considerations was understanding what my day-to-day life would look like. Job descriptions can only tell you so much about a role — I wanted to know how the tasks and responsibilities listed would translate into a 9–5 workday. How often would I be in meetings? Who would I regularly communicate with? How would my time be split between short- and long-term projects?

As a Social Media Marketing Intern at Skillsoft since early June, I’ve settled into a daily routine that’s become relatively familiar. Of course, each day is different — some days are meeting-heavy while others allow for deep, focused work; Friday mornings are always reserved for coffee chats while Monday mornings involve a quick beginning-of-the-week check-in. That being said, there are quite a few constants in my typical workday — who I’m messaging on Teams, the kind of work I’m completing, and when I need a brain break. Below, I’ve outlined a day in my life to demonstrate the importance of work-life balance and provide current and future interns with a clearer picture of what a summer internship entails.

9:00 a.m.

I start my day by logging into Teams and letting my manager know I’m online. I check any activity, messages, and emails I might have missed and familiarize myself with my meeting schedule for the day. I use Notion, a planning app with features like an interactive calendar and weekly task pages, to track any pre-assigned tasks and note upcoming deadlines. And — most importantly — I take my first sip of coffee.

9:15 a.m.

Once I feel prepared for the day, I jump into community management — perhaps the only responsibility that never changes day-to-day. Every morning, I log into our LinkedIn page to track activity from the last 24 hours. Skillsoft gets tagged in hundreds of posts on the platform daily as learners share their digital badges. I engage with as many as possible, congratulating individuals on their accomplishments and adding their names to a list of badge earners that we review at the end of each month to spotlight 8–10 on our socials. I also keep an eye out for new employment or promotion posts to comment on, wishing them luck in their new role or welcoming them to the team.

10:00 a.m.

On this particular day, knowing my afternoon would be meeting-heavy, I utilized the free time I had in the morning to complete both new and ongoing work. I submitted creative briefs, wrote caption copy for upcoming posts, brainstormed ideas for potential polls, worked on an employee profile for our company blog, and followed up on a recent Lunch & Learn with the IT team, compiling a list of my daily tasks that I’d like to automate.

12:00 p.m.

After a couple of hours of work, I was ready to take a lunch break. Typically, once a week, all the interns participate in a Lunch & Learn where employees from various Skillsoft teams discuss their roles and professional journeys. Without one scheduled for this particular day, I decided to visit a coffee shop nearby for a quick bite and brought my computer to spend the rest of the workday there. Working remotely certainly has its upsides, but it’s easy to get antsy staying in one place with the same surroundings. A change of scenery often makes me more engaged and productive.

12:30 p.m.

Freshly caffeinated, I jumped into my afternoon meetings. First up was a weekly sync with the content team, during which we discuss upcoming blogs and determine any overlap with our social feeds. On this day, we talked about an upcoming conference that could provide interesting behind-the-scenes content for our Instagram story.

1:30 p.m.

An hour later, I met with my manager to draft an email inviting our executive board to our annual Perspectives conference. (Stay tuned for our 2024 registration link!) While many of my daily meetings involve larger teams, I regularly meet with my manager to ensure we’re always on the same page, and we stay in nearly constant contact via Teams on days we don’t meet face-to-face.

2:00 p.m.

After our first meeting, my manager and I switched gears to work on Perspectives outreach, contacting customers who we determined would be a good fit to speak at the conference. This is an ongoing task we’ve tackled each week as we prepare for the event in September.

3:00 p.m.

During my last meeting of the day, I met with my “onboarding buddy” from the IT intern team to interview her for an upcoming blog. We had a great conversation about her professional development journey and how she discovered her passion for technology.

4:00 p.m.

My workday usually ends at 4 p.m., but due to the recent July 4th holiday, I coordinated with my manager to work an extra hour to make up for the time off. Generally, when I have free time, I like to work through Percipio courses that interest me. All Skillsoft employees get free access to the learning platform, and I’ve recently been enjoying the Social Media Strategist journey. This course has provided me with greater insight into the use of social media as a marketing tool, while also acquainting me more with our product and enabling me to better understand customer needs.

While this schedule changes daily, I appreciate the fact that my work never gets monotonous. I’m able to collaborate with a variety of teams and coordinate with different employees on diverse tasks. I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to intern for Skillsoft this summer, and I look forward to seeing what the future holds.

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