Decision with Precision

Hello Everyone!

I am Avinash Mishra, a newly joined Corporate Marketing Intern at Skillsoft. I was born and brought up in Muzaffarpur (famous for Shahi Litchi and has got Geographical Indication (GI)tag), Bihar, and later moved to West Bengal to complete my graduation. Currently, I am pursuing my MBA at one of the Premier B-School of India, i.e., Indian Institute of Management, Nagpur (known as the Orange City of India for being a major trade center of Oranges and situated at the center of the country).

After my graduation in Mechanical Engineering, I started working for Tata Consultancy Services, a Tech giant as a Database administrator. I was getting a vast amount of exposure on the tech side like Java, SQL, Oracle, Netezza, Hadoop, etc. (that was something very new for me as I was from Mechanical background). Everything was going smoothly; however, after two years, I decided to understand the company’s business side, how the manger and decision makers decide to drive business and all. I decided to prepare for an MBA entrance examination along with Job and Dream to get admission in one of the Top B-school in the country.

It took me two years to finally crack the CAT (Common Admission Test) exam and receive a call from B-School for an interview. Everything was going as per the plan; however, life is not that easy. Covid-19 struck, and the whole country went into lockdown. Processes of the colleges went on hold, and there was uncertainty over what would happen next. However, IIM Nagpur had started the further process in an Online Mode (thanks to the digital advancement, Jio Network, and Zoom). I gave my best in the interview and was waiting for the result. After one month, the much-awaited result arrived and I got mail reading, “We are glad to inform you that you have been selected for admission to IIM Nagpur[…].” I was ecstatic at that very moment, but the happiness doesn’t last long as my father had lost his job because of Covid-19. Now, I was the sole earner in my home comprising of five people. There was no source of income other than that and on the other hand, I needed to pay fees for college to confirm my candidature. That was a very tough situation for me as, on the one hand, I had the opportunity to join my dream college and on the other hand, I needed to act as a pillar and support my family (i.e., continue with the job).

There is a famous quote, “A friend in need is a friend indeed,” and as soon as my close friends came to know about my situation, they helped me mentally and financially and assisted me in making the decision (one of the toughest for me). I finally decided to leave my job and pursue an MBA.

I have now completed my first year of MBA courses and begun implementing my understanding and learning from the courses in practical life through my internship at Skillsoft. My journey at Skillsoft started approximately one month ago, and I was welcomed with open arms by each employee here. That has led to instilling a feeling of belonging and I have enjoyed every moment here. The organization had made sure that onboarding and other processes went smoothly, and I was assigned a mentor to guide me throughout the projects and impart new learning and proper understanding about the organization. Also, working on the Asana board was new to me, and a proper session was organized to understand the functionalities of the same.

I am more than thankful to the Skillsoft for providing me this opportunity and showing trust in my capabilities. I will surely give my best to do justice to the opportunity provided and at the same time try to learn from everyone I will cross paths with (not physically, but through virtual meetings). Lastly “Do make tough decisions in life, they might be tough initially but later on it will smoothen.”

