Finding the Balance in a Remote Internship: The Pros and Cons

After the COVID-19 pandemic simmered down, I concluded that working productively in a remote setting was incredibly challenging for me. I was frequently distracted, unable to form connections, and quite frankly, I was often bored. Granted, this was during my senior year of high school, and senioritis may have played a major role. Nevertheless, this taught me that I needed to focus on improving my power skills and develop new approaches to thrive in this type of environment.

When afforded the opportunity to intern at Skillsoft this summer, the company’s advantages outweighed the perceived challenges associated with remote work. I jumped at this position, understanding that I would need to prepare ahead of my start date. I decided to lean into the habits and practices I have built as a three-year collegiate student-athlete on the Boston College Track and Field team. Specifically, being a part of this team has helped me develop strong foundational skills in time management, prioritization, and adaptability. I understood that applying these skills in the workplace would be essential in ensuring my productivity, professionalism, and overall success.

In my first month at Skillsoft, I have found these abilities to be critical. To my pleasant surprise, I have also discovered many new benefits to remote work. As such, I aim to shed light on some of the pros and cons I’ve encountered during this period, and how they have played a role in my internship.


  • Autonomy

Remote work has significantly amplified my sense of autonomy, pushing me to take control of my tasks and projects. This independence has allowed me to prioritize tasks based on my judgment and develop a deeper sense of responsibility for my contributions. Leveraging my experience as a collegiate athlete, I have been able to pave my own path within this role. I have had the pleasure of understanding the depth of product marketing while still being able to discover other marketing disciplines, such as content, social media, and demand generation. This independence and exploration have not only boosted my confidence but also motivated me to take the initiative and proactively seek opportunities for learning and growth.

  • Responsibility

I’ve found that the remote setup inherently provides more responsibility. It requires me to take the lead in communicating with my manager and team, seek out necessary resources, and troubleshoot issues on my own. As the sole Product Marketing Intern, managing different projects within my team’s repertoire has enhanced my time management skills and industry knowledge. The substantial trust my team has placed in me to deliver quality work has fostered a deep sense of ownership and accountability. As a result, I have begun feeling increasingly capable of working through my assignments, knowing the faith my team has in me to represent our brand appropriately.

  • Work-Life Balance

I’ve quickly come to appreciate how remote work fosters a healthier work-life balance. The flexibility to manage my schedule allows me to integrate personal activities and responsibilities into my day. For instance, eliminating a daily commute enables me to complete my track and field summer training before the workday begins, letting me start my days feeling refreshed. Creating a comfortable yet professional at-home workspace has also reduced stress, helping me feel more positive and focused throughout my workday. This balance between professional obligations and personal well-being has made my internship experience more enjoyable and fulfilling.


  • External Disruptions

As a college student with seven roommates, the constant buzz of activity in our shared living space can interrupt my focus and productivity. To mitigate these disruptions, I’ve had to get creative. Establishing a designated workspace in the privacy of my bedroom has been crucial; it signals to both my roommates and myself that I am in work mode. I’ve learned the schedule of the house, noting when activity peaks and lulls, and I use noise-canceling headphones to block out background noise when others are home and moving about. I have also found that openly communicating with my roommates about my work hours and expectations helps me set boundaries. Additionally, taking regular breaks to step away from my desk allows me to recharge and maintain a prominent level of productivity despite the environment. These strategies have been essential in addressing the complexities of remote work while living with others.

  • Less Efficient Communication

Remote work paradoxically makes communication both streamlined and challenging. On one hand, I can’t simply walk over to a coworker’s desk for a quick question, often resulting in longer waits for email or chat responses. Moreover, I worry about sending too many messages and appearing incapable or overly reliant, which adds a layer of anxiety to interactions. In this scope, the IT onboarding process was another hurdle; setting up software and troubleshooting technical issues without in-person assistance was daunting. However, these challenges have taught me to be more self-reliant and resourceful. I’ve become adept at using collaborative tools like Teams and Asana to manage projects and track communication. Scheduling regular check-ins with my manager and mentor helps ensure I’m on the right track without overwhelming them with constant messages. Despite the initial difficulties, these experiences are teaching me valuable skills in digital communication and remote collaboration.

  • Office Culture

Despite the advantages of a remote internship, it lacks the natural face-to-face hallway, water bubbler interactions. These small moments tend to foster camaraderie and significantly contribute to the entire workplace culture. However, Skillsoft effectively bridges these gaps through structured initiatives like virtual coffee chats, Lunch and Learn sessions, and regular one-on-one meetings. To expand upon these strategies, coffee chats serve as an informal setting to connect with fellow interns on a personal level, allowing us to bond over shared experiences and grow with one another. Lunch and Learns provide a platform for knowledge sharing from people in higher positions within the company, offering advice and insights, while compensating for the missed in-person training opportunities. Lastly, regular meetings with mentors and team members are an optimal resource for continuous guidance and feedback. Although our office culture is quite different online, Skillsoft’s efforts to build a cohesive and genuine team are evident and appreciated.

Navigating these elements of remote work has provided invaluable opportunities to hone my communication, time management, prioritization, and adaptability skills. Each challenge has pushed me to become more efficient and versatile, preparing me for the dynamic landscape of modern work environments. I am excited to continue my development with Skillsoft for the remainder of the summer, confident that these experiences will lay a solid foundation for my future career in marketing.

