
Saffie, asleep on the sofa she’s *technically* not allowed on.
Saffie, asleep on the sofa she *technically* isn’t allowed on.

I love watching my dog sleep. Saffie is a 4-year-old American Staffordshire Terrier — fiercely loyal, very playful, and boy, does she love her naps and snuggles! I’ve always been jealous of how dogs and babies alike can do whatever is needed to sleep, regardless of things are going on around them.

In my house, I’m usually one of the last people to sleep at night and the last of us up in the morning. When I lived alone in a Boston dorm, I’d often stay up until midnight or later and sleep as late as getting to class on time would allow. So now, with two days of the week where I have to be awake enough to drive by 6:30 and other days wildly varying in terms of schedule and workload, how am I supposed to get everything done?

I’ve found that putting a significant focus on anything I want to do has helped me immensely. When I decided I was going to start acrylic painting, I went on a Michael’s run. I got paints, stencils, brushes, canvases. I equipped myself with everything I needed. I’ve had to do the same thing with sleep.

When I focused on getting really, really good sleep, I made some changes in habits and invested in some products.

  • Set a bedtime. I know, I know, we’re not 5 anymore! But part of what helps kids regulate growth is sleep, and as adults, good sleep regulates weight and overall health. I’ve made it a point not to stay up past midnight unless absolutely necessary.
  • Get a mattress topper. I’ve slept on the same mattress since I was about 8 years old. That’s not great health-wise, but I don’t want to spend money on a new one, especially not on the cusp of moving out. Mattress toppers are relatively cheap ways to upgrade your sleep experience and mine has been amazing.
  • NyQuil or melatonin have always been semi-useful for me, but I’ve found hemp oil (no THC) has been consistently effective.
  • Winding down routines, even if it’s as simple as a hot cup of tea. For me, it’s been listening to Reddit stories read by an AI on YouTube. It’s weird, but it works.
  • Use some smart devices if you can. I got a Google Home Mini last year and I can change light settings, play white noise, listen to my “Winding Down” mix on Spotify, and everything from my bed just using my voice!
  • Read up on the science of sleep and how to make it better!

Hopefully, these tips will be helpful in your personal journey to better self-care.



Samantha Searles
Achieving Our Greatness: The Intern Story

It’s the ever-present feeling that I have no idea what I’m doing for me.