How to Keep Personal Social Media, Professional

In 2023, almost everyone uses some form of social media. Whether it’s documenting our travels on Instagram, posting cute TikTok’s of our dog, or sharing our thoughts, we’ve grown attached to various social media platforms. Social media has many benefits to life as we know it, but it’s crucial to remember that our online presence can have a significant impact on our professional life. Inherently, some of us wonder, how we can maintain using socials without affecting our work life.

Well — we must exercise caution and discretion when posting content on social media.

Here are some strategies on how to stay smart on your social media and avoid any issues at work.

  1. Let’s keep it ~semi personal~

Yes, everyone has the right to use social media and exercise free speech as they see fit. But we must use these platforms responsibly. Oversharing personal aspects of your life can lead to unintended consequences, including potentially upsetting your employer with inappropriate content. You would think this goes without saying, but it’s surprising how often people overlook this. Always remember, the more personal information you share, the higher the risk. So, be mindful of what you post.

2. Keep an eye on your network

The composition of your network matters significantly. Be mindful of who you follow and who follows you to avoid potential issues. This could range from maintaining overly personal relationships with co-workers or company partners, to connections with major competitors. Keeping your network to personal friends and family is a great way to minimize these risks.

3. Do not represent your company personally

Using disclaimers like, “My opinions are completely my own and do not represent anyone else” in social media bios is a common practice. It’s a way to ensure personal opinions aren’t misconstrued as representing your employer. Missteps in this area can lead to significant issues with your company’s PR or communications team. Therefore, it’s wise to have a clear and professional role.

The last two strategies we’ll discuss are universally applicable, regardless of your job, field, or organization.

4. Check your old social media posts

Everything on the internet is always accessible. Regardless of how old or how hard you think it is to find a post, someone can still uncover it. It’s absolutely NECCESARY to scrutinize everything that you’ve posted. Even a seemingly harmless tweet from your teenage years could potentially cause issues depending on the content. Be extra careful by checking your likes, retweets, Instagram stories, Facebook posts, and more.

5. Avoid controversial topics

Perhaps the most important point, and most evident, is to exercise discretion. T In today’s world, there is no need to risk posting potentially controversial content on your social media platforms. Expressing personal opinions can land you in hot water, leading to job loss. Don’t let that be you.

Overall, social media is an amazing tool, offering remarkable connectivity with family, friends, and co-workers. By using it wisely, you can engage freely and fully enjoy its offerings, including an endless stream of entertaining cat and dog memes.

