Job Searching Tips and Tricks from a Recent Graduate

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind to say the least. Last week I graduated with a BA in Communication from Fairfield University. Fairfield has been my home away from home for the last four years and in what seemed like the blink of an eye, I had to wave goodbye to the beautiful campus, the quaint downtown, and the nearby shore. From there I have begun to settle into post-grad life back in the greater Boston area, and working here at Skillsoft.

While there is a lot that I learned in my undergraduate years both personally and academically, I feel that some of the most valuable knowledge that I acquired revolves around the professional realm. Navigating through it as an undergrad is certainly not easy, however, there are definitely some tips and tricks that I learned throughout my college experience that helped me to get to where I am today!

  1. Develop your network.

While the whole concept of networking may seem intimidating to start, it is actually one of the most prominent aspects to asserting yourself in the professional world. From attending events with your school’s alumni, to reaching out to a professional that works in a career you are interested in, it is integral to connect with people who may be able to assist you in your professional journey. Developing your network will connect you to the right path to achieving your desired success.

2. Arrange informational Interviews.

Informational interviews are extremely helpful as an undergrad because not only are you able to connect more personally with a professional, but you are able to gather insight about certain jobs and companies that you would not be able to get from a simple job description. Whenever I was intrigued by a job, I would look at the company via LinkedIn and try to find an alumni, mutual connection, or person of interest to reach out to. This allowed me to explore my intrigue further and gather more personal details about the position. I did countless informational interviews throughout my four years of college and found that they helped me narrow down my job search and discover exactly what it was I was looking for in future roles.

3. Be confident!

It’s easy to get down on yourself when you are in the job search. I know, I’ve been there too! But I have found that it is important to keep your head held high and to just keep going. Be confident in your skills and experience as a young professional and pride yourself on the fact that you are uniquely you!

And lastly…

4. Try to be open-minded.

This one can be a lot easier said than done, but it has helped me tremendously in my job searches in the past. While it is great to have a certain role or company in mind that you want to pursue, having that as your sole desire can sometimes be overpowering. In keeping an open mind when looking for a job, you will allow yourself to explore different possibilities that you may not have thought of before, and you may even discover something you like. The professional world is filled with endless opportunities and if you remain open-minded, you will be able to explore more than you would if you weren’t!

So, to you readers out there, I hope that these tips will help guide you as you continue to navigate through college and prepare yourself for your future career! These recommendations helped me tremendously throughout my four years at Fairfield and guided me towards the amazing opportunity to work here at Skillsoft!

