Navigating New Frontiers: An Inside Look at Rohan Sedhain’s IT Journey

At Skillsoft, we foster a work environment rooted in creativity and innovation. This is evident in our internship program which provides participants the opportunity to harness new technologies and learn various applications. Whether in marketing or IT, interns can enhance their skills through diverse projects. Rohan Sedhain perfectly exemplifies this experience. As a rising sophomore and Computer Science major at Cornell University, Rohan has thrived as an Automation Engineering Intern. From automating Adobe license management to creating email sentiment analysis tools, Rohan has leveraged his IT expertise to drive meaningful initiatives forward.

Let’s explore Rohan’s journey and the impressive impact he has made during his internship!

Can you tell us about yourself? Where do you attend college, and what do you study? What hobbies do you pursue, and how do you balance them with your internship?

“Hi, my name is Rohan Sedhain. I’m from Fort Worth, Texas, and I currently study Computer Science at Cornell University. I like to cook, so whenever I have a break, I’ll go to the kitchen and cook for myself. I also like to watch sports; during the Euros (European Football Championship) I balanced my time by completing work on one tab and watching the matches on my other monitor.”

What sparked your interest in IT? What areas of IT are you most passionate about, and why?

“When it comes to IT, one of the areas that I enjoy the most is coding. I’ve been coding for a while now, and I like diving deep into problems, gaining satisfaction from solving a particular bug or finishing a project. I also enjoy the intersection between business and IT, especially thinking of solutions concerning automations. I’ve had a lot of experience doing automations before this internship with ServiceNow. However, currently, I’m using Workato to drive our automations, which has been really fun and straightforward as it’s a low-code environment. In a low-code environment, you can think of solutions more thoroughly and it is easier to implement them.”

What attracted you to apply for this internship? Was there a particular aspect of the company or role that stood out to you?

“The Automation Engineering Intern role stood out to me the most because like I said before, I have a background in automations and hope to continue on that path. I also resonate with Skillsoft’s values and missions, particularly concerning education and providing equal access to learning opportunities, which I believe is incredibly important.”

What projects have you been involved in during your time here?

“The main project I’m working on involves Adobe license management. I collaborate with other IT interns to automate access to Adobe licenses and create a service catalog using Fresh service. We are using Workato to automate the whole process and Azure Active Directory to add users to the specific licensing group. We’re still in the middle of developing this but it’s been fun so far. My other project involves an email sentiment analyzer. I go through emails in Outlook, use chat GPT to analyze the customer sentiment, and then focus on the next steps to satisfy the customer. I hope to expand this to social media analysis using the Twitter and LinkedIn APIs in the future.”

What do you enjoy most about working with your team?

“I’m part of the Automation team and what I’ve enjoyed most is how open and communicative everyone is. If I send anyone a message on Microsoft Teams, I receive a quick response, and everyone is very helpful. They have supported me in adjusting to Skillsoft’s environment and familiarizing myself with Workato.”

How has the mentorship and support from colleagues, such as direct team members or fellow interns, impacted your experience?

“I’ve really enjoyed the team meetings our intern program managers organize, such as the “lunch & learns” and “coffee chats.” We also have a check-in with the IT intern program manager weekly, which has been instrumental in eliminating the remote work barrier, putting a name to a face, and getting to know my colleagues. I also have regular one-on-ones and daily stand-ups with my own team members, which has helped us connect and collaborate effectively.”

Can you share an example of a moment when you encountered a significant learning curve?

“Last week, while developing the Adobe licensing, we ran into an error with migrating JSON Data from the service catalog to Workato. This issue required a lot of troubleshooting as it had never been encountered before, so no one could provide immediate support. However, we really dug deep to solve the problem and that helped enhance our problem-solving skills.”

Based on your experiences, how would you describe Skillsoft’s company culture?

“I would say the company is welcoming and everyone is very friendly. This is evident throughout all my meetings with every member of Skillsoft. Everyone has been nice and informative. If I ever have questions, they are super happy to clarify, which is sometimes rare to see in an organization.”

How has working at Skillsoft influenced your career aspirations?

“Working at Skillsoft has reinforced my passion for IT and it’s helped me learn how to work with new technologies such as Workato and Freshservice. It has deepened my love for what I do, and hopefully, I can advance further in IT with a focus on automation.”

We hope you enjoyed learning about Rohan’s journey as an Automation Engineering Intern! Collaborating with the IT interns has been a highlight of our summer, and we look forward to continuing this cross-functional work in the future.

