Please Welcome Amelia, Kayla, and Babsy

By: Kayla Soltys

As summer begins, so do the highly anticipated summer internships. In addition to the six Marketing interns that were introduced in the previous post, Skillsoft welcomes three more interns who have joined various teams: Amelia Krause on the Information Technology team, Babsy Vellera Babu on the Information Technology Productivity team, and myself, Kayla Soltys, on the Tax team.

While we are all working on separate teams across the business, we all have one thing in common: being an intern here at Skillsoft. Throughout our varying schedules, all of the interns have started to connect to learn more about each other, and to work together to make a difference at Skillsoft. We all share the excitement to learn from, and contribute to, each of our teams and the company as a whole.

In the three weeks that we have been here, we have already started to navigate our roles as interns. Amelia has taken on numerous projects involving disaster recovery plans and IT procedures, while Babsy is mainly contributing to the OpenAI initiative at Skillsoft. As for myself, I have already started on a domestic tax return and projects regarding other aspects of tax. All three of us are eager to dive into the many projects that will allow us to develop and sharpen our skills in each of our respective fields. We are excited to capitalize on the opportunities that this internship will offer.

We have enjoyed meeting all of our team members and collaborating with the other interns, and look forward to networking and working alongside so many great people at Skillsoft.

The interns as a whole will be regularly contributing to ‘The Intern Story’ blog. We hope that you will stay updated with our bi-weekly posts and follow along with our journey.

