Running Towards Uncertainty

“If you are ever certain, then you are probably wrong.”

– Wise words from my high school ethics professor

When I first heard the statement above, I was taken aback. As a perfectionist, I found this argument to be jarring. At that time, I yearned for clarity, hoping to have all the right answers as quickly as possible. Certainty, to me, held a positive connotation, while uncertainty was a source of fear.

For young professionals, this fear is widespread, particularly when applying to colleges, selecting an internship, or facing an impending graduation. The uncertainty of decision-making can evoke a sense of incompetency, prohibiting us from taking action.

But what if I told you that uncertainty is not always a bad thing?

In fact, in the years following high school, I have discovered the beauty of uncertainty. Using my professor’s words as a valuable source of guidance, I would now argue that predictability stifles growth, while uncertainty incites development.

When the path forward is unclear, there is space for curiosity to come to the forefront. We are encouraged to engage in deeper contemplation, ask more meaningful questions, and most importantly, become lifelong learners. For this reason, I am grateful to be a part of Skillsoft, a team that acknowledges learning as a lifelong endeavor and positions the career journey as ever evolving.

Still, I understand that welcoming uncertainty with open arms is easier said than done. While there are numerous strategies to approach this issue, I encourage you to try the below tips that have helped me tackle the challenge of the unknown.

  1. Self-Reflective Journaling

When the future is blurry, journaling provides a healthy outlet. Typically, I gravitate towards prompts, asking myself “what do I value?,” “when do I feel happiest?,” “what are my strengths?,” and “what are my opportunities for growth?” Asking these broader questions provides a lens into our goals and our potential paths. Moreover, I also find visualizing to be a vital piece to this journaling process. By picturing myself in a variety of situations, I am able to recognize how I might feel, and how I might think.

2. Considering ALL Options

Once self-knowledge is obtained, it is useful to strengthen our awareness of available options. Notably, however, we must consider all options, not only the ones that appear to be the “right” answer. During these early stages in our careers, it is easy to rely on those in positions of authority to tell us what to do and how to do it. While this outside advice can be productive, it is crucial to seek out information ourselves and make decisions based on our own perspectives.

3. Stepping Away

Educational and professional pursuits don’t always occur in a linear pattern. Given this, it’s important to remember that the future will not become clear in a day — and that is more than okay. It is essential to step away from the hours spent contemplating and give your brain a rest. Our schedules must also consist of time for us to enjoy the present moment.

Ultimately, when faced with uncertainty, we must turn inwards and embrace it, abandoning our desire to fix it. We must discover how to sit with it, walk with it, and talk to it.

