Saying Goodbye As An Intern, But Hello As A Communications Assistant

Gianna Wilson
Achieving Our Greatness: The Intern Story
3 min readMay 25, 2021

As I write this blog, I am wrapping up my final day as a Skillsoft Marketing Intern. Just yesterday, I had my college graduation ceremony, popped some champagne with friends to celebrate, and tossed my cap in the air to seal the deal. It’s official — undergrad is over, and the next phase of life is beginning. For me, the next phase will still be at Skillsoft, just as a Communications Assistant.

As I reflect on the last four years at school and the last 14 months at Skillsoft, the amount of growth and knowledge that has occurred for me is beyond comprehension. The opportunities I have had and the people I have met during these experiences have truly shaped who I am today and where I want to go in the future. I am thankful for my professors that guided me, internship experiences that helped me understand the industry, and friends and family for sticking with me along the way while I figured it all out. As I move on from this stage of my life, these lessons and these people will not be forgotten.

To my fellow classmates, congratulations. We worked so hard, completed nearly half of our degree online in a global pandemic, and still crushed it. I don’t think there is much we CAN’T do, and that is inspiring. If you are ever doubting yourself in the future, look back at this moment and give yourself some grace. We can do hard things.

To the juniors, sophomores, and even freshman, keep on keeping on. It’s a hard journey, but you can do it. Embrace everything your campus has to offer, join that club, go to those office hours with that professor, and raise your hand in class. This is a time for growth, taking a leap of faith, and trying new things. If not now, when?

Here are my biggest takeaways from the past four years:

  • Try it — whatever it is you have been thinking about doing or trying, just do it! You’ll never know if you like something unless you try it. Worst case, you don’t enjoy it and now you’ll know.
  • Talk to those above you. Whether it is professors, classmates that are older than you, co-workers, or your grandparents, talk to people and learn from them. You never know what you might find out, and attending office hours for a professor doesn’t make you lame.
  • Don’t be afraid of messing up or failing. This is how we learn, and it’s inevitable. Trial and error is how we find success.

While it feels strange to be finished and I am sad to be saying goodbye to my campus, my classmates, and my professors, I know I am ready for the next step. I am prepared, excited, and ready for the challenges that will come along the way.

If you have kept up with my blogs, thank you. Just wait to see what is coming when I begin full time!

