Soft Skills to Help You Thrive

Soft skills are in the spotlight! Despite the ever-changing world we live in, the demand for soft skills remains steady among employers prioritizing talent who possess these intangible traits. While hard skills are still valuable, it is particularly important to cultivate these human qualities that are crucial to career development.

To expand upon this concept, I have shared my top three soft skills below, all of which have been integral to my experiences in the workforce.

1. Communication

At first glance, communication may appear to be a simple, intuitive skill, though I would argue that this is not the case. Effective communication lays the foundation for individual and company-wide success. For young professionals, communication is a power tool that we can use to express our ideas and convey our value. Notably, however, communication is not always about speaking. Oftentimes, it is rooted in active listening. Thus, communication requires a delicate balance, encompassing the ability to deliver clear messages and absorb them from others.

Throughout my internship, this soft skill has been essential for my role. Communication has been the steppingstone for relationship-building, allowing me to form productive connections with my managers and the larger team. Building these relationships within and outside of my department has provided networking opportunities, but more so, it has allowed me to learn about Skillsoft and the passionate people who work here.

2. Teamwork

On the topic of relationship-building, teamwork is a second piece to the puzzle. This soft skill is rooted in collaboration, shared goals, and commitment to the company’s mission. Productive teamwork begins with perception as it requires individuals to view peers as their team members, not fellow employees. Moreover, when working with others, I have found that there are two key aspects: accountability and trust. Each contributor is tasked with holding themselves and others responsible for the task at hand, and they must be confident in the value that each person brings to the table.

Here at Skillsoft, teamwork is at the forefront, and I have been able to nurture this skill through various avenues. To provide one example, I have been working on Project Vivaldi, which aims to provide a redesign and rebrand of the company intranet. In this scope, I have participated in stakeholder discussions to identify pain points and cultivated a communications plan for internal distribution. At each stage, I have had the opportunity to work alongside others to brainstorm ideas and generate engagement opportunities. As the saying goes, I have found that two heads are better than one, and a united group is fundamental to progress.

3. Adaptability

In recent years, the nature of work itself has drastically evolved, making adaptability a must-have skill. From the growth in remote work to advancements in technology, these shifts are inevitable, and workers cannot be stagnant. Being able to adjust to different environments and approach new experiences with optimism is an indispensable quality. Furthermore, adaptability fosters a growth mindset in which change is viewed as a learning opportunity, rather than an obstacle.

Within this internship, I have seen adaptability to be vital. As I switched from in-person classes to virtual meetings, I was challenged to push my own boundaries and become familiar with a new style of working. Embracing this change with an open mind helped me to foster this soft skill, among others, and I have been pleased to find the benefits of stepping outside of my comfort zone and adjusting to change.

Ultimately, soft skills will never go out of style. These qualities pave the way for career progression as they are transferable regardless of position or industry. While the above list is not exhaustive, I hope that these traits remain top of mind and encourage further reflection on skills development.

