The Benefits of Remote Work

Mia Kabillio
Achieving Our Greatness: The Intern Story
3 min readFeb 29, 2024

I’m currently writing this article from a small café in Edinburgh. Last week, I was working from London, and next week, who knows where I’ll be?

Over the past few years, the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically reshaped the modern workforce and company expectations for how employees show up on a day-to-day basis. One of the most significant changes resulting from COVID-19 was the normalization of remote work. What started out as a mandatory safety precaution has now become a sought-after benefit, offering employees more flexibility in choosing how and where they live, work, and travel.

Although this article focuses on the advantages of working remotely, it’s important to acknowledge the benefits of working in-person and collaborating in an office space, especially for those just starting their careers and learning the ropes of the workforce.

As someone who began their professional career in the midst of the pandemic, the majority of my internships have been remote. Therefore, I greatly value any opportunities to work from shared office spaces and collaborate with colleagues face-to-face. Working alongside someone in person can be more convenient than setting up multiple virtual meetings, and having the ability to grab lunch with a group of people from the office, or sit in the same room during conference calls are great ways to get to know the people within your organization.

While there are many experiences that are difficult to emulate in remote environments, there are also many benefits that come with working remotely.

One huge benefit of remote work is the ability to collaborate with people all over the world. Companies rapidly adapted to the evolving professional landscape during the pandemic, resulting in improved online work systems and technologies. This allowed people to connect online more than ever before, through platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams, bridging geographical gaps and facilitating seamless collaboration.

On a video call, I can connect with people from countries around the world, and hundreds of us can convene in a single remote conference room, all tuning in to listen to the same speaker simultaneously. While this technology did exist before the pandemic, its normalization in the workforce since COVID-19 has greatly improved the quality, accessibility, and usability of these platforms, making it so that participating virtually feels almost equivalent to attending in-person.

Additionally, remote work allows employees to operate from any location around the world. While Skillsoft is headquartered in New Hampshire, our employees work across the US and abroad, enjoying the freedom to reside where they choose and spend more time with their families. This flexibility eliminates the necessity for relocation or enduring lengthy commutes to physical office spaces, a liberty that was often unheard of in the traditional, pre-COVID work environment.

As long as I have my work computer and a stable internet connection, I can work from anywhere. Although, I’m currently based in New York City, I started my internship in Williamstown, Massachusetts, and have since had the opportunity to work from a few different places, including Europe and the UK, and attending a Skillsoft conference in Paris!

Thanks to Skillsoft’s remote work environment, I’ve been able to travel around the world while continuing to do the work that I love and developing skills that are invaluable to my career.

So, as I sip on my English Breakfast Tea and savor a classic British scone, checking work emails and drafting blog posts, I’m extremely grateful to have the opportunity to explore the world without losing the professional progress and amazing connections I’ve made at home.

