Time is Ticking! How to Prep for your Final Months of College

Bri Olinik
Achieving Our Greatness: The Intern Story
3 min readDec 20, 2022

With my final fall semester wrapping up, I thought this would be the perfect time to reflect on my college experience thus far and provide some insight on how I am preparing for my final semester before entering the work force full time. Applying for jobs, creating your final college memories, and completing your last few courses can be overwhelming if you aren’t prepared, so here is my final semester checklist.

1. Meet with your advisor. Meeting with your advisor is one of the most important things to do for your last semester of college. Advisors provide insight into not only the courses you need to complete, but also the process of applying for graduation and can point you in the right direction when you are looking for full-time job opportunities post grad. Your advisor is someone who has gotten to know you over your college career and can sometimes give you the best advice for your next step. My advisor has become one of my favorite people on campus because she always has my best interest at heart and keeps me up to date with everything I need to know to ensure I graduate with no hiccups. Nothing would be worse than thinking you are in order for graduation, only to find out that you can’t graduate because you didn’t meet with your advisor, and you missed a course you needed.

2. Utilize winter break. The fall semester can be stressful and busy, so sometimes you are unable to get started on the job search and application process. That is why winter break provides the perfect opportunity to be proactive with your job search. It is important to make sure your resume is up to date and accurate before applying to post grad jobs, and it’s always good to use the resources you have available to check it over. People such as your advisor, professors, and even previous/current employers are good options to have review your cover letters and resume because they will give you the best advice as people who are already in the workforce.

3. Keep in touch with your college network. One thing I have learned throughout college and my internship is that mentors come in all different forms, and sometimes even your peers can be a mentor. Keeping in touch with your professors and peers from your many classes throughout college can sometimes aid in your job search and be a source of advice as you navigate your final months of college. It is easy to have tunnel vision and just go to class and not take the time to make those connections, however, some of the most influential people I have met have been from my classes.

4. Plan out your semester & prioritize fun. With the excitement of graduating, it can be hard to properly manage your time to ensure you are getting your course work done. A great way to do this is by getting a daily planner and writing out your course work once you receive your syllabus to make sure your assignments are done on time. Keeping track of any upcoming interviews or meetings for potential job offers with also alleviate the stress of the unknown. Planners are the best way to map out your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to ensure you get things done. You also should allow time to enjoy your final months in college by attending school events and making memories with your friends. Your final semester can be daunting and bittersweet, so planning out your weekly courses along with fun activities is a good way to keep track and manage your time.

Making the most of your final semester in college and keeping on top of your tasks will ensure that you are prepared for graduation. Using this check list has helped me feel more relaxed and excited about my final months of college. So, if you are ever feeling overwhelmed, reflect on what’s important and use this checklist to help you accomplish your goals and stay on track. Good luck!

