Tips for Change in Seasons

Achieving Our Greatness: The Intern Story
2 min readOct 11, 2023

As the leaves begin to change color and the temperature drops, I often find myself reflecting on the season that has passed. Typically, the transition from summer to fall poses the most challenges for me as it usually involves significant changes, leaving home and heading back to school, starting new classes, and rearranging my work hours to align with my class schedule.

Thankfully, this transition period was accompanied by a 26- hour road trip back to school in Colorado which gave me some time to think and reflect on my summer and set myself up for success heading into the colder months.

Here are some tips to make your seasonal transition seamless, particularly from summer to fall.

  1. Take time to reflect

One of the hardest things for me about the seasons changing is having to say goodbye to certain aspects of life. Friends heading back to school, siblings growing up, and the weather changing. In this period, I try to express gratitude for the things I enjoy about each season, like living by the beach in the summer and spending time with friends and family. Allowing myself the room to feel grateful for these things is often what allows me to accept the seasonal changes.

2. Set goals for the upcoming season

The start of the school year can be a great time to set goals for yourself. It is a fresh start. For me, this semester is all about managing my time effectively while juggling my usual course load and continuing my internship with Skillsoft. One of the most important aspects of goal setting is making sure your goals are achievable.

I have set a goal of working about 10 hours per week with my manager. While many other past and present interns are working more, I knew that this was going to be one of my most challenging semesters yet and wanted to set myself up for success. With this goal in place, I am feeling excited about all I am going to learn and accomplish this fall!

3.Test period

As the semester progresses, be sure to check in with yourself and reevaluate your goals. Personally, I made it a priority to do this once after receiving my syllabus with assignments and again a few weeks into the semester. While it may seem like smooth sailing at first, once assignments ramp up, you may need to adjust your schedule accordingly to meet your needs.

Overall, I am incredibly excited to see what the rest of this fall has in store for me. After an awesome summer, I’m already looking forward to the next one, but I’m also determined to appreciate the beauty that each of the other seasons brings.

I hope this guide can help you reflect on and navigate the changing seasons in your own life with ease.

