Urban Hustle to Tech Muscle: Catherine’s Journey in Business Analytics and IT

At Skillsoft, collaboration between teams and interns is a cornerstone of our culture. As a marketing intern this summer, I’ve experienced this firsthand, having spent time interacting with people from various departments and teams. This cross-functional engagement has offered valuable insights into how different parts of the company work together to achieve common goals.

One of the highlights of my internship has been engaging with fellow interns, each bringing unique perspectives from their respective roles and departments. These interactions have inspired me to explore diverse career paths and strive toward my own professional goals. Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with Catherine Kim, our Productivity IT Intern, about her experience at Skillsoft. Catherine, a Business Analytics and Information Technology major, shared her journey, the projects she’s worked on, and the skills she’s developed. Her insights provide a glimpse into the enriching experiences and growth opportunities that Skillsoft offers.

Tell us about yourself. Where do you attend college, and what do you study? What hobbies do you pursue?

“I live in both New York City and New Jersey and attend Rutgers University in New Brunswick, majoring in Business Analytics and Information Technology (BAIT). I am also heavily involved in a competitive, two-year consulting pipeline program called Rutgers Road to Consulting, where I serve on the board. My hobbies include golfing and freestyle skiing and during my free time, you’ll often find me cooking, doing Pilates, or exploring NYC. Synonymous with the hustle and bustle of NYC, I like to keep myself busy and currently pursue multiple professional endeavors.”

What attracted you to apply for this internship? Was there a particular aspect of the company or role that stood out to you?

“Beyond the initial attraction, I became more intrigued after further discussing what my role would entail with my interviewers. I was contemplating between many offers, but Skillsoft truly stood out, and I felt that it was the best fit for me. It seemed like a great learning opportunity and a venture that matched perfectly with where I was professionally.”

What sparked your interest in IT?

“I originally started out as a management major, but a couple of years ago, I became fascinated with the AI transformations happening globally. This led me to engage in self-guided learning, reading, and tech events in NYC. Eventually, I decided to switch my major to Business Analytics and Information Technology and aspire to be a strategy consultant specializing in BAIT.”

What projects have you been involved in during your time here? What new skills or knowledge have you gained?

“During my time at Skillsoft, I have been working on an intern-led automation project with two other interns, utilizing platforms like Freshservice and Workato. We are developing an automation flow that the IT teams have wanted to implement for six months. All teams are working cross-functionally to build an automation that will benefit everyone and save a lot of time. Throughout this project, I have gained practical insights into automation processes, teamwork, and project management.”

Can you describe what a typical day looks like for you?

“My workday usually begins at 8AM, and I primarily focus on the automation project and work closely with the two other interns. I have about 5 meetings a day and it’s a mix of meetings with the IT teams, all the interns, side projects, and of course, the automation project.”

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting as an intern in a similar role?

“My advice would be to not be afraid to ask questions or reach out for help. Everyone understands that you are here to learn, and it’s okay not to know everything. It never hurts to ask for assistance!”

How do you hope this internship helps you grow personally and professionally?

“I always look forward to the new knowledge and skills I gain from every working experience and am incredibly appreciative of them. I’ve been here just over a month and have already learned so much! Working at Skillsoft has fine-tuned my soft skills and enhanced my technical abilities, which is exactly what I was hoping for.”

We hope you enjoyed reading about some key highlights of Catherine’s experience as a Productivity IT Intern here at Skillsoft. We look forward to seeing her continued growth and the impact she will make as she navigates her career.

Stay tuned to hear more stories from our amazing interns!

Catherine Kim: Productivity IT Intern

