What my dog teaches me

Adopting a dog while I was in college was never the plan, however, neither was the pandemic. I had always imagined my first dog being a large-breed puppy with paws too big for his body, full of energy, and ready to greet all those who crossed our path. However, when the rescue group I volunteer for made a Facebook post about a papillon senior who was overwhelmed in a shelter and needed to decompress after having medical procedures, I knew I had to open my home to help her heal. But when I started fostering my Ethel, I knew I could not part with her. Ethel sauntered into my life, weighing less than 8 pounds, a senior in age, having very few teeth left in her mouth, and a more reserved woman. Despite having all these preconceived notions of what I thought I wanted in a dog, Ethel came into my life and showed me what I needed.

That is the first of many lessons Ethel has taught me. I quickly learned that Ethel thrived in a routine and enjoys taking in (sniffing) nature on her walks. I have always struggled with waking up in the morning and enjoying outdoor exercise, however, she has motivated me to transform. Now I would not say I have magically become a morning person; however, she helps me look forward to getting out of bed as she starts zooming in anticipation of her morning walk. Additionally, our walks are peaceful and I, alongside her, have learned to enjoy the peace of our surroundings. I enjoy watching Ethel’s joy sniffing traffic signs and have gained a greater appreciation for our neighborhood; I have even been able to introduce myself to neighbors who are eager to pet Ethel. Like many people I struggle with devoting my focus to one thing, seeking distraction from multiple screens at once. I often have my phone out while watching TV, constantly looking for engagement. However, as I got into the routine of walking Ethel, I have realized I gain more enjoyment from watching her prance than I do scrolling through various apps. Now our daily walks are screen-free zones. These walks have become a moment of peace for me, that I get to look forward to along with Ethel.

That’s another thing Ethel has taught me as an older pup; I was at first worried about adopting her as I knew our time together would be shorter. However, she helped me realize I was letting my anxiety get the best of me, as I often did, and thinking far into the future rather than enjoying the moment now. As a senior, she has also shown me how rest can be restorative and uplifting, and that sometimes just enjoying a loved one’s presence helps to uplift spirits. The endless love, support, and structure she has provided to me have helped me to embrace living in the present rather than to be constantly concerned with the next hurdle or goal to achieve.

Her wisdom knows no bounds, truly.

Ethel basking in the sun

