3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Learning a New Language

It’s more than just a practical skill

Daniel A
SkillUp Ed


Photo by Emily Levine on Unsplash

When I first started learning Korean, I used to focus on how a language could be practical in everyday use. I studied because I thought it could be useful. Then, I thought I could use my skills to communicate and get by in many countries without really stopping to think about all of its implications. But as I started learning more languages, I realized there’s more to language learning than meets the eye.

At first, I was surprised: I had always heard about how impactful it could be when I listened to other people’s immersion trip stories, but I rather attributed that to travelling, not language learning. Aren’t languages just about that: communicating?

Now that I’ve learned multiple languages, I can definitely see how many advantages it presents. Here are 3 reasons why you should consider learning a new language.

Language Learning Makes The World More Intelligible

According to the dictionary, a language is defined asa system of communication consisting of sounds, words, and grammar, or the system of communication used by people in a particular country or type of work.”



Daniel A
SkillUp Ed

I write to help you be more productive, sharpen your linguistic skills and develop your literary abilities. I enjoy discussing the world around us and more.