Life Skills

5 Effective Ways to Deal with Chronic Whiners

These complainers can waste a lot of your time

Robert W. Locke
SkillUp Ed
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2020


I was shocked when I discovered that chronic whiners are a major problem in the workplace. In one survey of 1,000 participants, 73% said they would turn down a raise or promotion if it meant working closely with a whiner.

The same survey shows that 11% of employees actually left their job because of these complainers and a very large 77% (almost 8 out of 10) are forced to spend several hours a week listening to these people. These are the startling statistics revealed in a recently published book by Linda Swindling. (not an affiliate link).

It is not just the workplace either. These chronic whiners are also complaining about relationships, children, health issues, transport, weather, other drivers, body image, old age, and politics.

This is quite a list! The main problem for us is that apart from the time we have to spend listening to their moans and groans, they suck and drain us of vital energy and their negativity can be toxic at times. They are like messy, dirty sponges.

Read on if you want to discover how to deal with these people.

1. Listen and validate



Robert W. Locke
SkillUp Ed

Health & fitness, mental health, life lessons, humor & satire. Contact: colbor at yahoo dot com