7 Awful Tips About Language Learning You Should Never Follow

If you want to keep improving

Mathias Barra
SkillUp Ed


Photo by David Emrich on Unsplash

On my journey to learn 6 languages, I’ve seen tons of advice to learn languages. Some were incredible. Some were okay. Some were downright awful.

Unfortunately, these “tips” are everywhere online and new language-learners fall for the worst ones often. They follow them and give up quickly, thinking they can’t learn a language. In reality, they’ve just been victims of wrong advice. They can learn a language. Just not from following bad ideas.

These are the 9 worst tips I’ve ever seen, along with what you should do instead to improve your language.

1. Choose an “Easy” Language

This is by far the worst because it doesn’t even target learners of a language but people considering learning a language. If you choose the “wrong” language, you’re damned before you even start.

Let’s be clear. There are “easier” languages to learn. For English speakers, you can find the most widely-agreed list here. Do this mean you should learn French or Norwegian instead of Korean or Thai? Definitely not.

No language is really “easy”. Every single language will present its own challenges and if you’re not ready for them, you’ll give up in no time.



Mathias Barra
SkillUp Ed

French polyglot speaking 6 languages. Writer. Helping you learn languages. Get my new ebook → https://linktr.ee/MathiasBarra