7 Signs You Will Miserably Fail to Learn a New Skill

A guide on the things to avoid when learning new skills

Danny Forest
SkillUp Ed


Illustration license from VectorStock.com

Here’s one thing I’ve failed at more than 99 percent of the people — skill learning. That might surprise people who know I’m aiming to learn three new skills every month. But that’s exactly why I’ve failed more than anyone else you know — I experimented. A lot!

I’ve shared plenty of tips and tricks on how to learn new skills, but rarely have I shared the things that made me fail and made others fail before and after me. Until now.

In this article, I’ll share 7 traits that almost guarantee you’re not going to succeed in learning a new skill. During your learning project, review this list, and when you have any of the signs, questions yourself. Will I realistically pursue this skill?

Most of the time, it’s fine to “give up”. You can’t like everything you try. But you don’t know if you don’t like something if you don’t try in the first place. I mean, who would have known that a metalhead like me would have loved to salsa dance!

Anyway, here are 7 signs to watch for:

You are sporadic

Learning a new skill is much more easily done when you make it a daily practice. It’s like flossing, skip a day or two and…



Danny Forest
SkillUp Ed

Polymath. Life Optimizer. Learner. Entrepreneur. Engineer. Writer.