7 Ways to Improve Your Business Presentations with Ideas from Stand-Up Comedy

“Stand-up comedy is a science. Every comedian is a psychology major, naturally.” — Eddie Griffin

George J. Ziogas
SkillUp Ed


Image: fergregory/Adobe Stock

Delivering effective business presentations may seem very different from stand-up comedy, but significant similarities do exist. Successful comedians tend to be talented presenters and public speakers. Often writing their own material, managing their gig bookings on their own, keeping books, and getting club owners to pay them for work done, comedians are small businesses, as well.

In addition, comedians, like entrepreneurs, need to think on their feet and learn to engage difficult audiences. Studying how stand-up comics are effective in their art can be a good way to learn to be an engaging speaker. The ideas that follow can help you take the skill that comics bring to their art, and apply them to your own business presentations.

1. Aiming for a Strong Start

Since comedians often have limited time slots, they’re usually under pressure to set the tone of their routines as early as possible. They’re aware that they need to grab the attention of their audiences quickly, and give them a good reason to listen. Often, how well they do with their opening joke has a…



George J. Ziogas
SkillUp Ed

Vocational Education Teacher | HR Consultant | Personal Trainer | Manners will take you where money won't | ziogasjgeorge@gmail.com