A Short Guide on How to Raise Your Self-Awareness in 10 Hours

Hint: You have to be deliberate about it

Danny Forest
SkillUp Ed


Photo by Andre Mouton from Pexels

Many self-improvement coaches agree that self-awareness is the most important skill to learn these days. Self-awareness, combined with the ability to take action, is incredibly powerful. Until you really know what you stand for, your time is not spent most productively.

Does it matter? Yes, it does!

You only have one life — you might as well make it count. You owe it to yourself, to the people you love, and to the world. When you live life with a purpose, every moment is a gift. You always feel like you’re moving towards something meaningful.

Scratch that, you don’t feel like, you know it!

I didn’t use to be self-aware. I’d jump from jobs to jobs, chasing other people’s dreams. Then, I’d be too burned out to focus on my own dreams. One of the reasons I didn’t jump on my dreams was because they weren’t clear in my mind.

I wanted to have my own video game company and build games I wanted to play. Why? I wanted to entertain people. I wanted people to live similar moments of joy I lived when I was growing up. But why did I want to do that? Seriously, I had no clue.



Danny Forest
SkillUp Ed

Polymath. Life Optimizer. Learner. Entrepreneur. Engineer. Writer.