According to AI, Here Are the Top 8 Skills to Learn to Become More Adaptable

Courtesy of ChatGPT

Danny Forest
SkillUp Ed


Photo by Amanda Dalbjörn on Unsplash

“According to AI?” you ask.

That’s right, like some other writers, I decided to see what AI in 2022 could do. So, with the exception of some word replacements in the introduction and the conclusion, this whole post is AI generated.

Is it fun to read?

To some degree.

Is it insightful?

Surprisingly, yes.

In the text below, I’ve marked my substitutions with []. The formatting was mostly done by me.

Anyway, here goes:

As someone who has lived in a few different countries and gone through a few career changes, I can definitely say that adaptability is a key skill to have. It’s not always easy, but it’s definitely worth it.

For example, when I first moved to [Cambodia], I had to adapt to a completely different culture and way of life. It was a big challenge, but I learned so much from the experience and it really helped me grow as a person.

And when I decided to switch careers a few years ago[ — going from being a full-time Software Engineer to a full-time Writer], it was definitely a scary process. But I knew that it was something I…



Danny Forest
SkillUp Ed

Polymath. Life Optimizer. Learner. Entrepreneur. Engineer. Writer.