Image by John Forster from Pixabay

Develop a Perfect Deep Work Routine to Dominate Your Day

Work on the tasks that matter most to make meaningful progress.

Erik Hamre
Published in
6 min readSep 7, 2020


Not all work is worth the same. But we often treat it as it is.

Checking email and writing the next chapter of your book demands different focus and produces different value results. Publishing a book advances your career while replying to email gets enough done to not get you fired.

Deep work

Deep work is when you focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. For example, while creating the material for a new workshop that you will lead. To make any meaningful progress, you need to be fully immersed in the activity.

Shallow work, on the other hand, consists of easier to do tasks, like checking and replying to email or going to meetings.

Too often we let this type of work dominate our day, while not getting much worthwhile done.

Two different people can sit down for three hours and end up getting very different amounts of work done. What matters is their approach to work.

To maximise what you do, you need to be intensely focused for an extended period of time. When you focus on a task without distraction, your brain will start to figure out the…

