How Disruption in Coding and Writing Can Inspire Personal Growth

I can’t remember the last time I was that excited for change

Danny Forest
SkillUp Ed


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Two of the things I’ve enjoyed doing that most for the past decade are already on the path to be changed forever — coding and writing. That shift has been quite obvious in 2023.

There are certainly no shortage of articles being written about that on Medium. Just this morning I read an article that predicted that coding wouldn’t exist within the next 5 years.

Bold claim.

It turns out, the article was more solid than I expected it to be.

I didn’t agree with everything the author said, but they were writing that only 5 years from now, the programming landscape will be very different from now.

Before jumping into that, as I was reading the article, there was always something that was on top of my mind: what are other readers thinking?

I tend not to read “doomsday” articles, but when I do, I like to read the comments. These tend to have the most comments because they provide a divisive point of view.

Did the article I mention achieve that?

Oh yes it did!



Danny Forest
SkillUp Ed

Polymath. Life Optimizer. Learner. Entrepreneur. Engineer. Writer.