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How I Organize My Learning — Lessons from Having Learned 90 Skills in 3 Years

Danny Forest
SkillUp Ed
4 min readAug 7, 2023


As adults, we’re always too “busy”. We don’t make time up for things that aren’t urgent to do. This means we do our work and our routines, watch TV, play games, or read a book, then go to bed.

Rinse and repeat.


I personally find this boring and unsatisfying.

So a couple of years ago, I decided to make learning new skills my main hobby. It paid off tremendously!

My approach was simple: learn 3 new skills a month, spending a total of 15 hours each. When you divide it down, that’s 30 minutes a day for each skill.

Three might be a lot of many people, but I bet you can find 30 minutes in your day to learn something great.

Over the years, I’ve learned many things to do and many things not to do. I’ve also learned that not everything works for everybody.

So in this article, I’ll highlights some ways I’ve organized my learning that worked for me and for people in my learning community.





Danny Forest
SkillUp Ed

Polymath. Life Optimizer. Learner. Entrepreneur. Engineer. Writer.