How to Cultivate Curiosity and Resilience for Lifelong Learning

Embracing effort over ability turned me from skeptic to polymath.

Eva Keiffenheim
SkillUp Ed


Created by MidJourney/OpenAI, prompt by Eva Keiffenheim.

For the longest time in my life, I felt uncreative. It wasn’t until one book challenged my deepest beliefs about talent and effort, that I started to see almost everything is learnable.

Many people believe that skill levels are predetermined — some are just born talented, and others are not.

Long before I was a learning science nerd, I stumbled upon research that completely changed my understanding of skill acquisition and motivation.

This discovery was the starting point for my journey into lifelong learning, leading me to become a speaker, course creator, weightlifter, yoga teacher, and DJ.

If you’ve ever doubted your abilities or struggled with motivation, this article is for you. It offers insights and tips to keep you motivated on your journey of lifelong learning, leaving you with the empowering self-realization “I can do this.”

1) The Truth About Motivation: Feeling vs. Attitude

Have you ever paused to consider what motivates you to learn? Is it the promise of rewards, the pursuit of knowledge, or something deeper within yourself?



Eva Keiffenheim
SkillUp Ed

Learning enthusiast, TEDx speaker, and writer with +3M views | Elevate your love for learning with my free, weekly Learn Letter: