How to Make A Perfect Cup of Coffee From Home

It’s way easier than you think.

Erik Hamre
SkillUp Ed


Image by Kaffeetastisch from Pixabay

With so many of us working from home, now is the optimal time to learn to make a delicious cup of coffee. The process only takes about 5–10 minutes and allows you to produce world-class coffee from your own kitchen. This article will show you the process and secrets to make a perfect cup of filter coffee.

Ingredients and equipment needed: quality coffee, clean water, a coffee grinder, a boiling/pouring device, a thin paper filter, a cone (e.g. v60) and a cup or retainer.

Quality ingredients

A cup of coffee only consists of two things; coffee beans and water. It means that the quality of these two ingredients is of utmost importance.

You can only make an excellent cup of coffee with great beans. Go to a coffee shop nearby and ask them for the best they have. If you don’t have anywhere close to you, there are plenty of stores that ship by mail. To get the best taste, you want to buy beans from speciality coffee stores, rather than some mass-produced bag you find in the supermarket. Always purchase whole beans, as pre-ground coffee quickly lose its flavour.

Choose clean, good tasting water for your coffee. Coffee is more than 98% water, so if it tastes bad at all, this will…

