How to Maximise Your Productivity By Turning Your Life Into a Game

Gamify your life to make every task easier.

Erik Hamre
SkillUp Ed


Image by Dirk Wohlrabe from Pixabay

When I was younger, I used to play a lot of video games. But as I was getting older and life became busier, I stopped playing. I didn’t find time to play anymore.

But recently, I started playing again. After finishing work, I started playing for an hour every day. This made me remember how much I liked it, and now I was motivated to get to the end of the day. I even started finishing my work faster, as I was motivated to get to play.

This got me wondering. What exactly makes computer games so compelling? What if I could design my life so that I would be equally motivated to finish every other task in my life?


Gamification means taking game elements and bringing them into non-game situations. Games are created to maximise the release of dopamine in your brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which is associated with wanting and desire. When it’s released, it feels like a reward for your brain, and it makes you highly motivated to continue the activity you’re doing. It motivates us to repeat certain behaviours over and over. Like spending endless hours of playing computer games.

