AWS as a competitive advantage in the industry

Kristina Verlin
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2024

The time to invest in digitalization is now. AWS unifies a company’s infrastructure and data.

AWS Unifies a Company’s Infrastructure and Data

In the industrial sector, process efficiency is crucial for business success. There are many different types of processes, from production planning, control, monitoring, analysis, and development to quality control and customer service. Therefore, the effects of an efficient or inefficient implementation are multiplied.

Up to a certain point, industrial operations can be optimized with human effort, such as through the use of lean manufacturing principles. However, when the possibilities offered by digitalization are taken into account, a whole new level of efficiency can be achieved. A complex mix of different functions can be transformed into a unified whole, where data from different sources is collected in one place and enables comprehensive evaluation and development.

What is AWS and What Benefits Does it Offer to Industrial Companies?

Amazon Web Services (AWS), the world’s largest “cloud department store,” opens up a tremendous number of opportunities for industrial companies to optimize their operations to the extreme. AWS offers more ready-made services and features than any other cloud platform.

AWS unifies a company’s infrastructure and data. Even in industrial sectors where digitalization is already used extensively, data fragmentation is often a challenge. With AWS, the overall picture becomes complete and efficient, allowing data to be used systematically.

When using AWS solutions, there is no need to purchase new hard drives or other storage space, as there is unlimited space in the cloud. Data processing is efficient with AWS, as there is no need for your own server room, machines, or backups. Data is also reliably stored and does not disappear, and AWS is responsible for its physical security.

Cost-effectiveness is one of the absolute advantages of AWS. The AWS account itself is free, and AWS solutions are only paid for as they are used. No separate license fees are required, and no upfront investments in hardware need to be made. With AWS solutions, infrastructure costs remain low.

Skillwell implements AWS solutions with expertise and the customer in mind

The range of AWS services is so wide that it is difficult to find the best solutions for your own needs without in-depth knowledge. The introduction of digital solutions must also be smooth so that production is not disrupted.

This is where we come in. We build AWS cloud service solutions that always serve the individual business needs of our customers. We have strong experience in implementing AWS solutions and are an official AWS Advanced Consulting Partner and AWS Service Delivery Partner.

If you are an industrial company looking to improve your operations, AWS can be a valuable partner.



Kristina Verlin
Editor for

Business Development Manager at Skillwell | Exploring SaaS potential, cloud benefits, and the power of design in business.